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Jack Johnson lyrics
Cookie Jar [Croatian translation]
Uključio bih TV ali tako je sramotno za Vidjeti sve te druge ljude, ne znam što oni misle I bilo je čarobno kad su prvi put pričali bez zvuka Ali sad ...
Cookie Jar [Hungarian translation]
Ha benyomom a tévét, kicsit mindig megzavar a sok vadidegen arc, vajon melyik mit akar, Először bámultuk még a néma tátogást, de már rideg a világ, né...
Crying Shame lyrics
[Chorus 1] It's such a tired game Will it ever stop? How will this all play out Out of sight, out of mind [Verse 1] By now we should know how to commu...
Crying Shame [Croatian translation]
[Refren 1] To je tako zamorna igra Hoće li ikada prestati? Kako će se sve ovo odigrati Van pogleda, van pameti [Pri stih] Do sad smo trebali znati kak...
Cupid lyrics
Well, how many times  must we go through this? You've always been mine, woman,  I thought you knew this. How many times  must we go through this? You'...
Do You Remember lyrics
Do you remember when we first met? I sure do It was some time in early September Though you were lazy about it, you made me wait around I was so crazy...
Do You Remember [Croatian translation]
Sjećaš li se kad smo se prvi put sreli? Ja se itekako sjećam Bilo je to negdje pri početku rujna Iako si bila lijena oko toga, natjerala si me da čeka...
Do You Remember [German translation]
Erinnerst du dich noch daran, wie wir uns zum ersten Mal begegnet sind? Ich weiß es ganz sicher noch Es war irgendwann Anfang September. Doch du warst...
Do You Remember [Russian translation]
Ты помнишь, когда мы познакомились? Я, конечно, помню. Это было где-то рано в сентябре. Хоть ты и был ленивым и заставил меня ждать, Я сходила с ума п...
Don't Believe A Thing I Say lyrics
Mercury's in retrograde. Don't believe a thing I say. You know I don't believe that stuff, my mind's only made of dust. The echo always said, "Get rea...
Dreams Be Dreams lyrics
She's just waiting for the summertime when the weather's fine and she could hitch a ride out of town and so far away from that lowdown, good-for-nothi...
Drink the Water lyrics
Drink the water, drink it down This time I know I'm bound to spit it back up I didn't want this salty substitute Just not going to do, I need some air...
Enemy lyrics
After we spoke, I had a dream that I broke the teeth from a mouth of a snake. Then I choked on the teeth, they were mine all along. I picked up the pi...
F-Stop Blues lyrics
[Verse 1] Hermit crabs and cowry shells Crush beneath his feet as he comes towards you He's waving at you Lift him up to see what you can see He begin...
F-Stop Blues [Croatian translation]
[Prvi stih] Pješčani rakovi i morski puževi Se drobe pod njegovim stopalima dok hoda prema tebi Maše ti Podigni ga da vidi ono što ti možeš vidjeti On...
Fall Line lyrics
And by the way, you know that hope will make you strange, make you blink, make you blank, make you sink. It will make you afraid of change, enough to ...
Fall Line [Croatian translation]
Usput Znaš da će te nada učiniti čudnim Natjerati te da trepćeš, natjerati te da trepćeš Natjerati te da potoneš Učiniti će da se bojiš promjene Dovol...
Flake lyrics
[Verse 1] I know she said 'it's alright, you can make it up next time' I know she knows it's not right There's no use in lying Maybe she thinks I know...
Flake [Croatian translation]
[Prvi stih] Znam da je rekla "U redu je, nadoknaditi ćeš idući put" Znam da ona zna da nije ispravno Nema smisla lagati Možda misli da ja nešto znam M...
Fortunate Fool lyrics
[Chorus 1] She's got it all figured out She knows what everything's about And when anybody doubts her Or sings songs without her She's just so mmm [Ve...
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