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Jack Johnson lyrics
Belle lyrics
Oi, lienda, Bella che fa? Bonita, Bonita, Qué tal? But, Belle, Je ne comprends pas français So you'll have to speak to me Some other way.
Belle [English translation]
Hey sweetheart Beauty, what are you doing? Beauty Beauty, how are you? But, Beauty I don't understand French So you'll have to speak to me Some other ...
Belle [Spanish translation]
Hola, linda Bella, ¿qué es mejor? Bonita, Bonita, ¿qué tal? Pero, Bella, No entiendo el Francés Así que tienes que hablarme de otra forma.
Better Together lyrics
There is no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard And no song that I could sing but I can try for your heart And our dreams and t...
Better Together [Chinese translation]
没有任何词语的组合 我能写在明信片的后面 我也无法吟唱什么 但我愿为你的心努力尝试 我们的梦都成为现实 就像一鞋盒的照片般 就象那些共通走过的发黄的爱 爱就是答案 至少是我心里大多数问题的答案 好像 为什么我们会在这里,或者我们将要去哪里? 或者为什么我们会爱得如此深 生活从来不是风平浪静, 有时充...
Better Together [Croatian translation]
Ne postoji ni jedna kombinacija riječi koju bi mogao napisati na pozadinu razglednice, i ni jedna pjesma koju bi mogao otpjevati ali mogu probati za t...
Better Together [Italian translation]
Non esiste combinazione di parole che io possa mettere sul retro di una cartolina né canzone che io possa cantare, ma posso provare a far breccia nel ...
Better Together [Spanish translation]
No hay combinación de palabras que pudiera escribir en el reverso de una postal Y no hay canción que pudiera cantar pero puedo intentarlo por tu coraz...
Better Together [Spanish translation]
No hay combinacion de palabras que podria poner en en reverso de una postal Y ninguna cancion que podria cantar pero lo intentare por tu corazon Y nue...
Breakdown lyrics
I hope this old train breaks down Then I could take a walk around See what there is to see Time is just a melody With all the people in the streets Wa...
Breakdown [Croatian translation]
Nadam se da će se ovaj stari vlak pokvariti Jer bih onda mogao prošetati Vidjeti što ima za vidjeti Vrijeme je samo melodija Sa svim tim ljudima na ul...
Bubble Toes lyrics
[Chorus] It's as simple as something that nobody knows That her eyes are as big as her bubbly toes On the feet of a queen of the hearts of the cards A...
Bubble Toes [Croatian translation]
[Refren] Jednostavno je kao nešto što nitko ne zna Da su njene oči bile velike kao njeni okrugli nožni prsti Na stopalima kraljice srca u kartama I nj...
Change lyrics
Just when you were getting used to this place and you were getting used to these bones and you were getting used to the changes, well, the change won'...
Cocoon lyrics
Well, based on your smile I'm betting all of this might be over soon. But you're bound to win 'cause if I'm betting against you, I think I'd rather lo...
Cocoon [Croatian translation]
S obzirom na tvoj osmjeh Kladim se da će sve ovo brzo završiti Ali ti si obvezna pobijediti jer ako se kladim protiv tebe Mislim da bi radije izgubio ...
Cocoon [Greek translation]
Λοιπόν, με βάση το χαμόγελό σου Στοιχηματίζω ότι όλο αυτό μπορεί να τελειώσει σύντομα Μα είναι σίγουρο πως θα κερδίσεις γιατί αν στοιχηματίζω εναντίον...
Cocoon [Turkish translation]
Gülümsemene bakılırsa Bahse varım bütün bunlar bitebilir yakın zamanda. Ama sen kazanmak zorundasın, çünkü sana karşı oynayacağıma; Kaybetmeyi yeğleri...
Constellations lyrics
The light was leaving and the west, it was blue The children's laughter sang, Skipping just like the stones they threw Their voices echoed across the ...
Cookie Jar lyrics
And I would turn on the TV, but it's so embarrassing to see all the other people, I don't know what they mean. And it was magic at first when they spo...
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