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Jack Johnson lyrics
Adrift lyrics
Your voice is adrift, I can't expect it to sing to me as if I was the only one. I'll follow you, the leaf that's following the sun. When will my weigh...
All At Once lyrics
All at once, the world can overwhelm me. There's almost nothing that you could tell me that could ease my mind. Which way will you run when it's alway...
All At Once [Croatian translation]
[Prvi stih] Sve odjednom Ovaj svijet me može preplaviti Ne postoji ništa što bi mi mogla reći Da mi umiri um Kojim putem ćeš pobjeći Kad je sve uvijek...
All At Once [Spanish translation]
Todo al mismo tiempo, el mundo me puede abrumar. No hay casi nada que me puedas decir que me podría calmar. ¿Hacia qué lado correrás si está siempre a...
Angel lyrics
I've got an angel. She doesn't wear any wings. She wears a heart that can melt my own, she wears a smile that can make me wanna sing. She gives me pre...
Angel [Chinese translation]
我身边有一个天使 她身上没有翅膀 却有一个能融化我的心灵 她脸上的笑容 让我想为她歌唱 她为我带来礼物 通过她的存在本身 她为我带来我能祈求的一切 仅仅是我回家 她就在我唇上印下甜蜜的吻 她可以创造天使 我可是亲眼见证过 当你获得美好爱情的时候 你可要小心了 因为天使的数量会不断增加 但你却总是忙着...
Angel [Croatian translation]
Imam anđela Ona ne nosi nikakva krila Ona nosi srce koje može rastopiti moje Ona nosi osmjeh koji me može natjerati da poželim zapjevati Ona me daruje...
Angel [French translation]
J'ai un ange Elle ne porte pas d'ailes Elle a un coeur qui fait fondre le mien Elle affiche un sourire qui me donne envie de chanter Elle m'offre des ...
Angel [German translation]
Ich habe einen Engel Sie trägt keine Flügel Sie trägt ein Herz, das mein Eigenes zum Schmelzen bringen kann Sie trägt ein Lächeln, das mich dazu bring...
Angel [Greek translation]
Έχω έναν άγγελο Δε φοράει φτερά Φοράει μια καρδιά που μπορεί να λιώσει τη δική μου Φοράει ένα χαμόγελο που μπορεί να με κάνει να θέλω να τραγουδήσω Μο...
Angel [Italian translation]
Ho un angelo. Lei non ha le ali, ha un cuore che scioglie il mio, ha un sorriso che mi fa venir voglia di cantare. Mi dà regali con la sua sola presen...
Angel [Turkish translation]
Bir meleğim var Kanatları olmayan Sadece beni eritebilen bir kalbi var Şarkı söylemek istememe yol açan da bir kalbi Sadece varlığı bile Bana bir hedi...
Anything But The Truth lyrics
If they tell me that the bees Don’t make honey anymore Then what am I supposed to tell you And if they tell me that the ocean Is tired of her shores T...
Anything But The Truth [Croatian translation]
Ako mi kažu da pčele Ne rade med više Što bih ti ja onda trebao reći I ako mi kažu da je ocean Umoran od njegovih obala Onda mi reci Što bih ti ja tre...
As I Was Saying lyrics
As I was saying just before you left the room, before, before I assumed that you might not come around... As I was saying just after I took my foot fr...
At Or With Me lyrics
Are they laughing at or with me Ah, baby those are such great shoes And I think that I'm so happy now And I think this is a better you Oooooooo ooooh ...
At Or With Me [Croatian translation]
Smiju li se meni ili sa mnom Ah dušo to su odlične cipele I mislim da sam tako sretan sada I mislim da si ovo bolja ti Oooooooo ooooh Smiju li se meni...
Banana Pancakes lyrics
[Intro] Can't you see that it's just raining? There's no need to go outside [Chorus 1] Baby, you hardly even notice When I try to show you this Song i...
Banana Pancakes [Croatian translation]
[Intro] Zar ne vidiš da kiši? Nema potrebe ići vani [Refren 1] Dušo, jedva da primijetiš Kad ti pokušavam pokazati ovo Pjesma je namijenjena da te zad...
Banana Pancakes [Italian translation]
Ma non vedi che piove? Non c'è bisogno di uscire. Cara, a malapena te ne accorgi quando provo a farti vedere che questa canzone è fatta per distoglier...
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