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Kimbra lyrics
Plain Gold Ring [Turkish translation]
Parmagina taktigi sade altin yuzuk, Herkesin gorebilecegi yerdeydi Birisine aitti, ama bana degil Sade altin yuzuk parmagindaydi Sade altin yuzugun an...
Posse lyrics
I don't wanna be in your posse, girl I don't wanna be all caught up in your Social scene I don't wanna be Be in your front seat, girl I know I'm your ...
Posse [French translation]
Je ne veux pas être dans ta bande, meuf Je ne veux pas être au courant de ta Vie sociale Je ne veux pas être Être aux premières loges, meuf Je sais qu...
Posse [German translation]
Ich will nicht in deiner Clique sein, Mädchen Ich will nicht ganz verstrickt sein In deine soziale Szene Ich will nicht Auf deinem Vordersitz sein, Mä...
Sally I Can See You lyrics
There's a heartbeat in the distance, a flicker of light ahead I've been down the street, where they offer good deals I'm shaking hands with the man wh...
Settle Down lyrics
I wanna settle down I wanna settle down Won't you settle down with me? Settle down We can settle at a table.. A table for two Won't you wine and dine ...
Settle Down [German translation]
Ich will mich niederlassen. Ich will mich niederlassen. Willst du dich nicht mit mir zusammen niederlassen? Niederlassen. Wir können uns an einen Tisc...
Settle Down [Hungarian translation]
Meg akarok állapodni Meg akarok állapodni Nem akarsz megállapodni velem? Megállapodni... Üljünk az asztalhoz Egy asztalhoz két személynek Nem akarsz i...
Settle Down [Romanian translation]
Vreau sa te asezi jos Vreau sa te asezi jos Nu vrei sa stai jos cu mine? Aseaza-te jos... Ne putem aseza la o masa O masa pentru doua persoane Nu vrei...
Settle Down [Russian translation]
Я хочу остепениться, Я хочу остепениться, Не присоединишься? Остепениться. Мы будем сидеть за столиком, Столиком на двоих. Будешь пить вино и ужинать ...
Settle Down [Spanish translation]
Quiero sentar cabeza Quiero sentar cabeza ¿Sentarás cabeza conmigo? Sentar cabeza Podemos sentarla a la mesa... Una mesa para dos ¿No me agasajarás? S...
Settle Down [Turkish translation]
Yuva kurmak istiyorum. Yuva kurmak istiyorum. Benimle yuva kurmaz mısın? Yuva kurmak... Bir masaya yerleşebiliriz. İki kişilik bir masa. Benimle şarap...
Settle Down [Turkish translation]
Yuva kurmak istiyorum. Yuva kurmak istiyorum. Benimle yuva kurmak istemez misin? Yuva kurmak... Bir masaya yerleşebiliriz. İki kişilik bir masaya. Ben...
Simply On My Lips lyrics
Look at us I wish you good luck No definition is worthy of this sensation Don't give up Please don't stop No one thought to name that kind of contact ...
Somebody Please lyrics
Somebody please, please take me home There's children igniting like sweet cherry bombs Blacked out coulombs lie safe in cocoons, Sweet serenade across...
Something In The Way You Are lyrics
Something got me out of my Slumber in the broken light Watching you across the room Shadowed by the passing moon I can feel it in my bones Something t...
The Build Up lyrics
Went from cities to touch the suburbs On the highway, but I'm barefoot I need a map but not the destination Need a compass but not a conversation I wa...
The Build Up [Turkish translation]
Şehirden varoşlara dokunmaya gidiyorum Otoyolda, ama çıplak ayaklayım Bir haritaya ihtiyacım var ama hedefe değil Pusulaya ihtiyacım var ama konuşmaya...
Top of the World lyrics
On a condition We on our way to the top We got the world at our fingers We make the penny drop Gotta get in and get outta the gate I won't stop till I...
Top of the World [French translation]
En condition Nous sommes en route vers le sommet Nous avons le monde entrenos mains On va faire tilt Je dois entrer et sortir de la porte Je n'arrêter...
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