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Marco Masini lyrics
Bella stronza [Albanian translation]
ku*ve e bukur shkatrrove endrrat e gruas qe tradhtova me bere te bej grushta me mikun tim me te mir dhe tani qe shkoj ne fund ti me thua duke qeshur k...
Bella stronza [Catalan translation]
Bella meuca, Que has destruït tots els somnis de la dona que he traït Que m'has fet arribar als punys amb el meu millor amic I ara mentre baixo tu em ...
Bella stronza [English translation]
Beautiful bitch, you've shattered the dreams of the women I've betrayed you've made me fight with my best friend and now that I've reached the bottom ...
Bella stronza [French translation]
Belle conne, Qui as détruit tous les rêves de la femme que j'ai trahie Qui m'a fait en venir aux poings avec mon meilleur ami Et maintenant, tandis qu...
Bella stronza [German translation]
Schöne Schlampe, du, die all die Träume jener Frau zerstört hast, die ich betrogen habe du, die mich meinen besten Freund mit der Faust schlagen gelas...
Bella stronza [Greek translation]
Όμορφη τσούλα, που έχεις γκρεμίσει τα όνειρα των γυναικών που έχω προδώσει που με έχεις κάνει να τσακωθώ με τον καλύτερο φίλο μου και τώρα που έχω φτά...
Bella stronza [Hungarian translation]
Te szép szajha Aki minden álmát összetörte A nőnek, akit megcsaltam Aki rávett, hogy A legjobb barátommal verekedjek És miközben tönkremegyek (Csak) a...
Bella stronza [Portuguese translation]
Linda sacana, que destruíste todos os sonhos da mulher que eu traí que me fizeste andar ao murro com o meu melhor amigo e agora enquanto vou ao fundo ...
Bella stronza [Romanian translation]
Nesitita frumoasa, ce ai distrus toate visele femeii pe care am inselat-o ce m-ai facut sa ma bat cu cel mai bun prieten si acum in timp ce ma duc la ...
Bella stronza [Spanish translation]
Bella perra Has destruido todos los sueños de la mujer que he traicionado Me has hecho llegar a los golpes contra mi mejor amigo Y ahora mientras toco...
Bella stronza [Venetan translation]
Bèa buèa, che ti ga desfà tuti i sogni dea fìa che gò tradìo Che ti me ga fato far a pugni col me mejor amigo e dèsso mentre che vago xo ti me dixi co...
Caro babbo lyrics
Mi sembravi alto, altissimo quando ero piccolino, eri il mio gigante buono che giocava a nascondino. Mi batteva forte il cuore mentre stavo ad aspetta...
Caro babbo [English translation]
You seemed so tall to me, when I was little You were my good giant who played hide and seek. My heart was racing while I was staying waiting for you H...
Caro babbo [French translation]
Tu me semblais haut, très haut quand j'étais tout petit Tu étais mon bon géant qui jouait à cache-cache. Mon cœur battait très fort pendant que je t'a...
Caro babbo [Greek translation]
Μου φαινόσουν ψηλός, πανύψηλοςόταν ήμουν μικρός! ήσουν ο αγαθός μου γίγαντας που με έπαιζε κρυφτό. Η καρδιά μου χτυπούσε δυνατά καθώς περίμενα! ευτυχή...
Caro babbo [Polish translation]
Zdawałeś mi się wysoki, bardzo wysoki, gdy ja byłem malutki; byłeś moim dobrym olbrzymem, który bawił się w chowanego. Mocno biło mi serce, gdy trwałe...
Caro babbo [Romanian translation]
Îmi păreai înalt, foarte înalt, când eram mititel; erai bunul meu gigant, care se juca de-a v-ați ascunselea. Îmi bătea tare inima, cât stăteam în așt...
Caro babbo [Venetan translation]
Ti me parevi grando, grandissimo co gèro picenìn, ti gèri el me gigante bon che xogava a nascondìn. Me bateva forte el pèto fin che gèro drìo spetàr, ...
Cenerentola innamorata lyrics
Ho capito è una cosa seria E poi ora non puoi parlare Vengo a prenderti io stasera Quando esci da lavorare Una breve telefonata Lo sai bene che siamo ...
Cenerentola innamorata [English translation]
I understand, it's a serious matter and you don't want to talk now. I'll come and pick you up tonight when you'll leave from work. A short phone call,...
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