Into the Unknown [German translation]
Led through the mist,
By the milk-light of moon,
All that was lost, is revealed.
Our long bygone burdens, mere echoes of the spring,
But where have we...
Into the Unknown [Russian translation]
Led through the mist,
By the milk-light of moon,
All that was lost, is revealed.
Our long bygone burdens, mere echoes of the spring,
But where have we...
Into the Unknown [Spanish translation]
Led through the mist,
By the milk-light of moon,
All that was lost, is revealed.
Our long bygone burdens, mere echoes of the spring,
But where have we...
Into the Unknown [Turkish translation]
Led through the mist,
By the milk-light of moon,
All that was lost, is revealed.
Our long bygone burdens, mere echoes of the spring,
But where have we...
Det Ukendtes Skov-intro [Into the Unknown] lyrics
Ført gennem tågen
Af en bleg månes lys
Alt, der forsvandt, står nu klart
De byrder, vi bar på, er blot skyggeminder her
Men hvor er vi nu, og hvor ska...
Det Ukendtes Skov-intro [Into the Unknown] [English translation]
Ført gennem tågen
Af en bleg månes lys
Alt, der forsvandt, står nu klart
De byrder, vi bar på, er blot skyggeminder her
Men hvor er vi nu, og hvor ska...