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Tori Amos lyrics
Father Lucifer [Turkish translation]
Şeytan baba hiç bu kadar aklı başında görünmemiştin hep çiselemeleri yağmura tercih ederdin hâlâ Milkmaid'e aşık olduğunu söyle Lizzies'ler nasıl İsa'...
Fire to Your Plain lyrics
Shock, got the shock of my life Just buckle up girls, I'm stealin' the night From the still of the night What they're down to Let's see, in cold dayli...
Fire to Your Plain [German translation]
Schock, habe den Schock meines Lebens bekommen Schnallt euch an, Mädchen, ich stehle die Nacht Aus der Stille der Nacht Was sie vorhaben Mal sehen, im...
Fire to Your Plain [Turkish translation]
Şok, hayatımdan şok ol Sadece toka takmış kızlar, ben geceyi çalıyorum Hâla geceden Onlara kadar geceden Görelim, soğuk gün ışığında Bu hakkı almam ge...
Flavor lyrics
Battle of the minds Cries Below Cries Above You must pick a side Will you choose fear? Will you choose love? [Chorus:] What does it look like This orb...
Flavor [German translation]
Kampf der Köpfe Schreie unten Schreie oben Du musst eine Seite wählen Wirst du Angst wählen? Wirst du Liebe wählen? Wie sieht er aus Dieser Orbitalbal...
Flavor [Serbian translation]
Borba umova Plače ispod, plače iznad Moraš izabrati stranu Da li biraš strah? Da li biraš ljubav? Kako ti izgleda Ova orbitalna kugla sa rubova Mlečno...
Flavor [Spanish translation]
Batalla de las mentes Gritos abajo Gritos arriba Debes escoger un lado ¿Escogerás el miedo? ¿Escogerás el amor? [Estribillo:] ¿Cómo luce Esta bola orb...
Flavor [Turkish translation]
Zihinlerin savaşı Yeryüzünde haykırıyor Gökte haykırıyor Bir taraf seçmelisin Korkuyu mu seçeceksin? Aşkı mı seçeceksin? [Nakarat:] Nasıl görünüyor Bu...
Flicker lyrics
Flicker, yes flicker There it is, a little less faint A little more of your flame Feel it warm your skin Part of you trapped within Shed a little ligh...
Flicker [German translation]
Flackern, ja, flackern Da ist es, ein bisschen weniger matt Ein bisschen mehr von deiner Flamme Fühle, wie sie deine Haut erwärmt Ein Teil von dir, in...
Flowers Burn To Gold lyrics
Where are you? I scan the skies Voices in the breeze I scan the sea Someone said they thought they saw you there Through a cloud in the Midwest Then I...
Flowers Burn To Gold [Turkish translation]
Where are you? I scan the skies Voices in the breeze I scan the sea Someone said they thought they saw you there Through a cloud in the Midwest Then I...
Flying Dutchman lyrics
Hey, kid, I've got a ride for you They say, "Your brain is a comic book tattoo And you'll never be anything What will you do with your life?" Oh, that...
Flying Dutchman [German translation]
Hey, Kind, ich kann dich fahren Sie sagen "Dein Gehirn ist ein Comicbuchtattoo Und du wirst nie etwas sein Was wirst du mit deinem Leben anfnagen?" Oh...
Girl lyrics
From in the shadow she calls And in the shadow she finds a way finds a way And in the shadow she CRAWLS Clutching her faded photograph my image UNDER ...
Girl [German translation]
Aus dem Schatten heraus ruft sie Und im Schatten findet sie einen Weg, findet sie einen Weg Und im Schatten kriecht sie Klammert ihr blasses Foto an s...
Girl [Portuguese translation]
De dentro das sombras ela chama E dentro das sombras ela encontra um jeito, encontra um jeito E dentro das sombras ela RASTEJA Agarrando sua fotografi...
Girl [Spanish translation]
De entre las sombras ella llama Y entre las sombras encuentra una manera, encuentra una manera Y entre las sombras gatea Apretando su fotografía borro...
Girl [Swedish translation]
Från skuggor ropar hon, I skuggorna hittar hon en väg, en väg, I skuggorna kryper hon, Håller om urblekta tavlor, min bild under tummen, Ja, med en me...
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