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The Cats lyrics
Abendwind [One way wind, deutsch]
Mit dem Abendwind kommen Lieder von weit her über's Land. Und sie singen nur vom Frieden, von Menschen Hand in Hand. Lass den Abendwind erzählen, es i...
Save the Last Dance for Me
You can dance every dance with the guy Who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight You can smile every smile for the man Who held your hand 'neath t...
Save the Last Dance for Me [French translation]
Tu peux danser toutes les danses avec ce gars Qui te regarde, laisse le te serrer contre lui Tu peux sourire à l'homme Qui te prend par la main sous l...
Save the Last Dance for Me [German translation]
Tanze von mir aus jeden Tanz mit dem Mann, Der ein Auge auf dich wirft, lass ihn dich halten, ganz fest. Lächle von mir aus jedes Lächeln für den Mann...
Du bist mein Zuhaus lyrics
Du bist mein Zuhaus Nur bei dir ruh' ich mich aus Alle Wunder dieser Welt hab' ich gesehen Zog als Fremder durch so manches fremde Land Viele Meilen m...
I Saw Her At The Station lyrics
I saw her at the station, she was standing in the rain Getting wet all over, she was waiting for the train So I drove up to her and said: "Do you want...
I've Always Tried to Understand lyrics
I've always tried to understand The reason why our love must end Why did she let me wait on our weekly Friday date? I've been waiting rather long And ...
Lea lyrics
How do you feel Loving a rose Guarding her life day and night How do you feel Losing that rose Killed by a storm you can't fight Lea Lea Girl now you'...
Lea [Dutch translation]
Hoe voelt het als je van een roos houdt en je beschermt haar leven dag en nacht Hoe voelt het als je die roos verliest Gedood door een storm waar je n...
Let's Dance lyrics
Come and let's dance, all the night long I'm gonna tell you that we'll be having fun I'm gonna call on the phone Oh no, we'll be not alone I'll ask my...
Let's Dance [Serbian translation]
Hajde dođi da igramo celu noć Znaš kako će nam biti zabavno Čekaj da telefoniram O ne, sami biti nećemo Pritaću prijatelje da i oni svrate Ima jedno m...
One Way Wind lyrics
You said some winds blow forever and I didn't understand but you saw my eyes were asking and smiling you took my hand so we walked along the seaside w...
One Way Wind [Dutch translation]
Je zei dat sommige winden altijd waaien en ik begreep het niet Maar je zag dat mijn ogen er om vroegen en glimlachend pakte je mijn hand en we liepen ...
One Way Wind [French translation]
Tu as dis que le vent souffle toujours et je n'ai pas compris mais tu as vu que mes yeux questionnaient et souriante tu as pris ma main et nous avons ...
One Way Wind [Romanian translation]
Ai spus că unele vânturi suflă veşnic, Iar eu n-am înţeles, Dar mi-ai văzut ochii întrebători Şi m-ai luat de mână, zâmbind. Şi am păşit de-a lungul ţ...
Sure He's a Cat lyrics
Sure he's a cat Nobody's gonna argue with that Sure he's a creamer A tall walking feminine dreamer What have I got to compensate For a looking and a m...
Tanze heut' Nacht nur mit mir [Let's Dance] lyrics
Tanze heut’ Nacht nur mit mir Wir werden glauben, dass wir alleine sind Es ist riesig voll hier im Saal Doch das ist völlig egal Die ganze Band spielt...
Why lyrics
There's a kind of sadness in my mind He came back and I know love is blind I hoped she would love me in the end Though I knew she liked me like a frie...
Why [Turkish translation]
Aklımda bir tür keder var O adam geri geldi, bilirim aşkın gözü kördür Beni sever diye umuyordum, eninde sonunda Beni arkadaşça sevdiğini de biliyordu...
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