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Opeth lyrics
Slither [Greek translation]
Το καλοκαίρι έφυγε και η αγάπη έχει μαραθεί Δεν πιστεύω σε τίποτα, παρ’ όλα αυτά τίποτα δεν είναι ό,τι φαίνεται Τα πάντα χάθηκαν και οι υποσχέσεις ξεγ...
Soldier Of Fortune lyrics
I have often told you stories About the way I lived the life of a drifter waiting for the day When I'd take your hand and sing you songs And may be yo...
Soldier Of Fortune [Greek translation]
Σου έχω πει συχνά ιστορίες Για το πώς ζούσα σαν άσκοπα περιφερόμενος περιμένοντας τη μέρα Που θα έπαιρνα το χέρι σου και θα σου τραγουδούσα τραγούδια ...
Soldier Of Fortune [Hungarian translation]
Gyakran meséltem neked történeteket az útról. Csavargó életet éltem várva a napra mikor kezén foghatlak és dalokat énekelhetek neked Mire azt mondanád...
Soldier Of Fortune [Turkish translation]
Hikâyeler anlattım sana sık sık O günü beklerken nasıl bir serseri hayatı yaşadığıma dair Elini tutup sana şarkılar söylediğimde Belki de "gel yanıma ...
Sorceress lyrics
I am a sinner And I worship evil Blood is thinner But you will never know Can you confess That you thrive in chaos You're a sorceress And your eye is ...
Sorceress [Bulgarian translation]
Аз съм грешник И почитам злото Кръвта е тънка Но ти не ще разбереш Ще признаеш ли, Че вирееш в хаоса Ти си вълшебница И окото ти погубените гледа Но у...
Sorceress [French translation]
Je suis un pécheur Et je vénère le Mal Le sang est plus mince Mais jamais tu ne sauras Peux-tu confesser Que tu prospères dans le chaos Tu es une sorc...
Sorceress [Greek translation]
Είμαι αμαρτωλός Και προσκυνώ το κακό Το αίμα είναι πιο διαλυτικό Αλλά δε θα το μάθεις ποτέ Μπορείς να ομολογήσεις Πως ευδοκιμείς στο χάος Είσαι μια μά...
Sorceress [Spanish translation]
Soy un pecador Y le rindo culto al mal La sangre es más clara Pero nunca lo sabrás Puedes confesar Que prosperas en el caos Eres una hechicera Y tu mi...
Sorceress [Turkish translation]
Ben bir günahkarım, Ve şeytana tapıyorum. Ona olan bağlılığım her şeyden güçlü*, Ama asla bilemeyeceksin. İtiraf edebilir misin, Kaos içinde dallanıp ...
Sorceress 2 lyrics
Until I take my final breath In a year or even less I hope you will give me all your time And do not forget me down the line And I will never ask you ...
Spring MCMLXXIV lyrics
On a wind that's sailing through the morning I have cut the harness off of my heart On a tide that's rising with the dawning I find I belong inside th...
Spring MCMLXXIV [French translation]
On a wind that's sailing through the morning I have cut the harness off of my heart On a tide that's rising with the dawning I find I belong inside th...
Spring MCMLXXIV [Turkish translation]
On a wind that's sailing through the morning I have cut the harness off of my heart On a tide that's rising with the dawning I find I belong inside th...
Still Day Beneath The Sun lyrics
There is a light that hits the gloom around Shows the footprints round this grave Dried up roses scattered on the mound Honouring the one engraved Wil...
Still Day Beneath The Sun [Serbian translation]
There is a light that hits the gloom around Shows the footprints round this grave Dried up roses scattered on the mound Honouring the one engraved Wil...
Still Day Beneath The Sun [Turkish translation]
There is a light that hits the gloom around Shows the footprints round this grave Dried up roses scattered on the mound Honouring the one engraved Wil...
Strange Brew lyrics
An afternoon walk through the park I keep to the shadows until it's dark I am not educated nor free of sin I carry thoughts of giving in There is a vo...
Strange Brew [Turkish translation]
Parkın içinden bir öğle yürüyüşü, Karanlık olana dek gölgeleri saklarım. Ne günahtan arınmak için, Ne de kabullendirilen düşünceleri taşımak için eğit...
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