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Opeth lyrics
Porcelain Heart lyrics
I lost all I had (that April day), I turned to my friends (nothing to say), I wrote down a name (and read it twice), I wallowed in shame. I said that ...
Porcelain Heart [French translation]
J'ai perdu tout ce que j'avais (ce jour d'Avril) Je me suis tourné vers mes amis (rien à dire) J'ai inscrit un nom (et l'ai lu deux fois) Je me suis v...
Porcelain Heart [Greek translation]
Έχασα ό,τι είχα (εκείνη την μέρα του Απρίλη), Στράφηκα προς τους φίλους μου (για να μη πω τίποτα), σημείωσα ένα όνομα (και το διάβασα δύο φορές), κυλί...
Porcelain Heart [Romanian translation]
Am pierdut tot ce aveam (Ziua aia de aprilie) M-am întors spre prietenii mei (Nimic de spus) Am scris un nume (Și l-am citit de două ori) M-am zvârcol...
Porcelain Heart [Serbian translation]
Izgubio sam sve što sam imao (tog aprilskog dana), Obratio se svojim prijateljima (Bez ijedne reči) Napisao sam ime (I dvaput ga pročitao) Stidom se n...
Porcelain Heart [Spanish translation]
Perdí todo lo que tenía (aquel día de Abril) Giré hacia mis amigos, (nada que decir), Escribí un nombre (y lo leí dos veces), Me regocijé en vergüenza...
Porcelain Heart [Swedish translation]
Jag förlorade allt jag hade (den April dagen), Jag vände mig till mina vänner (ingenting att säga), Jag skrev ner ett namn (och jag läste det två gång...
Porcelain Heart [Turkish translation]
Sahip olduğum her şeyi kaybettim (O Nisan günü.) Arkadaşlarıma döndüm (Söylenecek hiçbir şey yok.) Bir isim yazdım (Ve iki kez okudum.) Ve utanca boğu...
Pyre lyrics
Follow the embers into cities of dreams What you'll be seeing Is not all what it seems Dawn of the liar Future's a pyre Outside the window I see peopl...
Reverie / Harlequin Forest lyrics
Into the trees Past meadow grounds And further away from my home Baying behind me I hear the hounds Flock's chasing to find me alone A trail of sickne...
Reverie / Harlequin Forest [Greek translation]
Μέσα στα δέντρα Πέρα από εδάφη λιβαδιών Και πολύ μακριά από το σπίτι μου Γαβγίζουν πίσω μου Ακούω τα κυνηγόσκυλα Το σμήνος κυνηγάει για να με βρει μόν...
Reverie / Harlequin Forest [Turkish translation]
Ağaçların içine doğru Çamurlu yerlerden geçerek Evimden daha da uzaklara Arkamda uluyan Tazıları duyuyorum Sürü beni yalnız yakalamak için kovalıyor Y...
River lyrics
Show me a sign of troubles in your heart Spare me your lies and tell me that you're mine And our bodies float on the river To the oceans of demise Mad...
River [French translation]
Montre-moi un signe des soucis dans ton cœur Épargne-moi tes mensonges, dis-moi que tu es mienne Et nos corps flottent sur la rivière, Vers les océans...
River [Greek translation]
Δείξε μου ένα σημάδι από τα προβλήματα στο μυαλό σου Άφησε τα ψέμματα και πες μου ότι είσαι δική μου Και τα σώματά μας επιπλέουν στον ποταμό Προς τους...
River [Serbian translation]
Pokaži mi znake problema u tvom srcu. Poštedi me svojih laži i reci da si moja. I naša tela plutaju rekom, ka okeanima smrti. Načinila si me robom taj...
River [Turkish translation]
Kalbindeki sıkıntılardan bir alamet göster bana Beni yalanlarından uzak tut ve söyle bana benim olduğunu Ve bedenlerimiz dalgalanıyor nehirde Ölüm oky...
Serenity Painted Death lyrics
Returned from a hibernal dream Voices fell like marble No longer by my side Gone all that would linger Ripped from my embrace Melinda reflected in sha...
Slither lyrics
Summer's gone and love has withered I believe in nothing yet nothing is what it seems All is gone and promises slithered You gave me nothing yet nothi...
Slither [French translation]
L'été est terminé et l'amour s'est flétri Je ne crois en rien, mais rien n'est comme il paraît Tout a disparu, les promesses sont parties en rampant T...
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