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Oscar Benton lyrics
Different Dreams [Serbian translation]
Our honeymoon is over And the best days of our love Are dead and gone Instead of growing closer This time goes on and on We're getting miles apart Tho...
Different Dreams [Turkish translation]
Our honeymoon is over And the best days of our love Are dead and gone Instead of growing closer This time goes on and on We're getting miles apart Tho...
How Can I Just Start Again lyrics
How can I just start again? Here alone the nights are colder. You were shelter from the rain, You took the weight from off my shoulders. All the white...
How Can I Just Start Again [German translation]
How can I just start again? Here alone the nights are colder. You were shelter from the rain, You took the weight from off my shoulders. All the white...
How Can I Just Start Again [Russian translation]
How can I just start again? Here alone the nights are colder. You were shelter from the rain, You took the weight from off my shoulders. All the white...
I am Back lyrics
In my room Darkness all around In my room No one to be found Through the ceiling I watch the blue blue sky While the clouds and the days are passing b...
I am Back [Russian translation]
In my room Darkness all around In my room No one to be found Through the ceiling I watch the blue blue sky While the clouds and the days are passing b...
I Believe in Love lyrics
Here's a song For all the lonely people All over the world... When I'm waking up I hope My lucky day has come. When I go to sleep, I weep, Because my ...
I Believe in Love [Bulgarian translation]
Това е песен За всички самотни хора Навсякъде по света Когато се събуждам със надежда, Че щастливият ми ден е дошъл. А когато заспивам плача Защото ме...
I Believe in Love [German translation]
Hier ist ein Lied Für alle einsamen Menschen Weltweit... Wenn ich aufwache, hoffe ich, Mein Glückstag ist gekommen. Wenn ich schlafen gehe, wein ich, ...
I Believe in Love [Hungarian translation]
Itt egy dal, minden magányos embernek szerte a világon. Amikor felkelek, abban reménykedem hogy a szerencsnapom (végre) eljött. Amikor lefekszem, zuko...
I Believe in Love [Romanian translation]
Acesta e un cântec Pentru toti oameni singuri Din orice colt din lume Când má trezesc dimineata în zori Parcá a sosit ziua mea norocoasá Când merg la ...
I Believe in Love [Russian translation]
Песня вот Для всех одиноких По всему миру… Надеюсь просыпаясь Счастливый день пришёл Но плачу засыпая Мечту я не нашёл Не только я один, считаю Кто чу...
I Feel So Good lyrics
Our honeymoon is over And the best days of our love Are dead and gone Instead of growing closer This time goes on and on We're getting miles apart Tho...
I Feel So Good [Dutch translation]
Onze huwelijksreis is voorbij En de beste dagen van onze liefde Zijn dood en weg In plaats van dichter naar elkaar groeien Gaat de tijd verder en verd...
I Feel So Good [German translation]
Unsere Flitterwochen sind vorbei Und die besten Tage unserer Liebe Sind tot und vergangen Anstatt dass wir uns näher kommen Geht diese Zeit immer weit...
I Feel So Good [Romanian translation]
luna de noastră de miere s-a terminat Iar cele mai bune zile ale iubirii noastre Sunt moarte şi s-au terminat În loc să crească mai aproape De data ac...
I Feel So Good [Turkish translation]
Balayımız bitti Ve aşkımızın en güzel günleri Yok olup gitti. Birbirimize yakınlaşmak yerine Bu zaman geçip gittikçe Birbirimizden kilometrelerce uzak...
If You Go Away lyrics
If you go away on this summer day Then you might as well take the sun away All the birds that flew in the summer sky When our love was new and our hea...
If You Go Away [German translation]
Wenn du gehst an diesem Sommertag, Dann magst du ebensogut die Sonne mitnehmen, All die Vögel, die da flogen im Sommerhimmel, Als unsere Liebe neu war...
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