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Local Natives lyrics
Sour lemon eyes Staring down the daylight And the LA River makes you laugh You say, why’s a gutter got a name like that? You’re towelin’ up your wet h...
Black Balloons lyrics
I can see the words as they come out your mouth Black balloons form into a poison cloud Hold me down and bring me back up again Until I can't, I can't...
Black Balloons [Dutch translation]
Ik kan de woorden zien terwijl ze uit jouw mond komen Zwarte ballonnen die een gifwolk vormen Houd me eronder en breng weer op Totdat ik, ik het versc...
Ceilings lyrics
Haven't stopped your smoking yet So I'll share your cigarette Just to feel it in my fingers Walk around 'til 3 am Tell me what I know again To keep my...
Coins lyrics
[Verse 1] Time stands still and then one day it's gone Where did it go? Where did I go? We couldn't wait to grow old But I can't fight the feeling any...
Coins [Turkish translation]
[1. Dize] Zaman haraket etmiyor ve sonra bir gün gidiyor Nereye gitti? Nereye gittim? Yaşlanmak için sabırsızlanıyorduk Ama artık hislerle savaşamıyor...
Fountain of Youth lyrics
I think we better listen to these kids We can't keep pretending we know what we're doing I can't keep pretending I'm afraid If you'll sit and listen I...
Masters lyrics
Do you feel like a shit turning up sometimes? Just pierce through the jungle of your mind Do you feel like a shit turning up sometimes? Just pierce th...
Mt. Washington lyrics
Face stain in the ceiling Why does it keep saying, "I don't have to see you right now" "I don't have to see you right now" Digging like you can bury S...
Mt. Washington [Danish translation]
Ansigtsplet på loftet Hvorfor bliver den ved med at sige "Jeg behøver ikke at se dig lige nu" "Jeg behøver ikke at se dig lige nu" Graver, som om man ...
Mt. Washington [Finnish translation]
Katselet katon tahraa Miks se sanoo aina vaan "mun ei tarvii nähä sua just nyt" "mun ei tarvii nähä sua just nyt" kaivat niinkuin voisit hautaa jotain...
Mt. Washington [French translation]
Le visage coloré au plafond Pourquoi continue-t-il de dire, "Je ne dois pas te voir maintenant" "Je ne dois pas te voir maintenant" Creusant comme si ...
Mt. Washington [German translation]
Gesichtsfleck an der Decke Warum sagt es immer wieder "Ich muss dich jetzt nicht sehen" "Ich muss dich jetzt nicht sehen" Graben, als würde man etwas ...
Mt. Washington [Russian translation]
Образ лица на потолке Почему он продолжает говорить "Мне не нужно тебя видеть сейчас" Выкапывая так, как будто ты можешь похоронить То, что не может у...
Mt. Washington [Spanish translation]
Manchas de caras en el techo por qué sigue diciendo "no tengo que verte ahora mismo" "no tengo que verte ahora mismo" Cavando como si pudieras enterra...
Mt. Washington [Tongan translation]
Faka'ilonga mata 'i 'aofi loki Ko e ha 'oku pehe ma'u ai pe "'I he 'ikai pau keu mamata leva kia te koe." "'I he 'ikai pau keu mamata leva kia te koe....
Mt. Washington [Turkish translation]
Tavanda bir yüz lekesi Neden söyleyip duruyor "Seni şu anda görmek zorunda değilim" "Seni şu anda görmek zorunda değilim" Gömebilecekmiş gibi kazıyors...
Mt. Washington [Turkish translation]
Yerde yüz lekesi Neden deyip duruyor ki "Seni şu an görmek zorunda değilim" "Seni şu an görmek zorunda değilim" diye Kazıyorsun gömebilirmişsin gibi Ö...
Mt. Washington [Ukrainian translation]
Повернись обличчям до плями на стелі Чому вона повторює "Мені не треба бачити тебе прямо зараз" "Мені не треба бачити тебе прямо зараз" Копаючи, ніби ...
Statues In The Garden [Arras] lyrics
He wants it all It’s not enough He feel the walls around him and he’s climbing up He takes the shot He lines it up And then he thinks about the conseq...
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