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Regina Spektor lyrics
All The Rowboats [Spanish translation]
Todos los botes de remos en las pinturas Siguen tratando de irse remando Y las caras preocupadas de los capitanes Se quedan contorsionadas y mirando a...
All The Rowboats [Turkish translation]
Tablolardaki bütün sandallar Uzaklara kürek çekmeye çalışıyorlar Ve kaptanların endişeli yüzleri Buruşmuş duruyor ve dalgalara bakıyor Altın çerçevele...
Après moi lyrics
I must go on standing You can't break that which isn't yours I must go on standing I'm not my own, it's not my choice Be afraid of the lame, they'll i...
Après moi [French translation]
Je dois continuer de résister Tu ne peux pas briser ce qui n'est pas à toi Je dois continuer de résister Je ne m'appartiens pas, ce n'est pas mon choi...
Après moi [Russian translation]
Надо продолжать стоять Нельзя ломать то, что не твое Надо, ах, продолжать стоять Я себе не принадлежу, это не мой выбор Бойтесь хромых - Им достанутся...
Après moi [Spanish translation]
Debo mantenerme parada No puedes romper aquello que no es tuyo Debo mantenerme parada No soy mía, no es mi elección Tenle miedo a los heridos, heredar...
Après moi [Transliteration]
I must go on standing You can't break that which isn't yours I must go on standing I'm not my own, it's not my choice Be afraid of the lame, they'll i...
Après moi [Turkish translation]
Ayakta durmaya devam etmeliyim Senin olmayan bir şeyi kıramazsın Ayakta durmaya devam etmeliyim Ben kendimin değilim, bu benim seçimim değil Topallard...
Baby Jesus lyrics
You know that statue That statue of baby Jesus In the window In the window of the 99 cent store Last night I saw the owner kiss it And whisper in its ...
Baby Jesus [Finnish translation]
Tiedäthän sen patsaan Jeesus-lapsen patsaan Siinä ikkunassa Siinä halpahallin ikkunassa Viime yönä näin omistajan suukottavan sitä Ja kuiskaavan sen k...
Baby Jesus [Spanish translation]
Viste esa estatua Esa estatua del bebé Jesús En la ventana En la ventana de la tienda de 99 centavos Ayer a la noche vi cómo el dueño la besaba Y le s...
Back of a Truck lyrics
She lifted the monument in her monumental arms She was the mother superior with her carry-on luggage charms She was this androgynous powder nosed girl...
Back of a Truck [Spanish translation]
Levantó el monumento en sus brazos monumentales Era la madre superiora, con sus encantos de equipaje de mano Era esta chica andrógina de nariz empolva...
Ballad of a Politician lyrics
A man inside a room is shaking hands with other men This is how it happens Our carefully laid plans Shake it, shake it baby Shake your ass out in that...
Ballad of a Politician [Finnish translation]
Mies huoneessa kättelee toisia miehiä Niin ne toteutuvat Huolellisesti laaditut suunnitelmamme Ketkuta sitä, ketkuta sitä Ketkuta persettäsi kadulla J...
Ballad of a Politician [Polish translation]
Mężczyzna w pokoju potrząsa ręce innym mężczyznom. Tak to się odbywa, Nasze dobrze opracowane plany. Trzęś je, trzęś je mój drogi, Potrząsaj tyłkiem n...
Ballad of a Politician [Portuguese translation]
Um homem detro de uma sala está apertando as mãos com outros homens É assim que funciona Nossos planos cuidadosamentecolocados Mexe, mexe querido Mexe...
Ballad of a Politician [Spanish translation]
Un hombre dentro de una habitación está apretando manos con otros hombres Así es cómo pasa Nuestros planes cuidadosamente preparados Sacúdelo, sacúdel...
Ballad of a Politician [Spanish translation]
Un hombre en un salón dándole la mano a otros hombres Así es como ocurren Nuetros planes delineados con cuidado Sacúdelo, sacúdelo, bebé Sacude el cul...
Ballad of a Politician [Turkish translation]
Odada bir adam diğeriyle el sıkışıyor Bu işler böyle yürüyor Bizim dikkatle yatmış planlarımız Salla, salla bebeğim O sokakta kıçını salla Bir gün onl...
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