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MaYaN lyrics
Drown the Demon
Don't you deny me Bare to face Pain and aggression I can't bare it Don't you despise me Dare to chase Wealth and possession Don't underrate me We have...
Celibate Aphrodite lyrics
Don't you bite the hand that feeds The one that cares for you And gratifies its needs Don't you cry about a touch And trust Unless it gratifies the lu...
Essenza di te lyrics

Lieve vento che attraversava e scomponeva

La nebbia trafitta da un raggio

Di luce e svanita morì

Quest' essenza di te

Essenza di te [English translation]

Gentle wind that crossed and decomposed

The fog pierced by a ray

It died of light and vanished

This essence of you

Essenza di te [German translation]
Sanfter Wind, der durchzog und verflog; Der Nebel, durchbrochen von einem Strahl, Schwand im Licht und starb - Diese Essenz von Dir.
Essenza di te [Portuguese translation]
Delicado vento que atravessava e dissipava a névoa, perfurada por um raio de luz e, desvanecida, morreu esta essência de ti.
Essenza di te [Romanian translation]

Vantul lin ce trece si se imprastie

Ceata cea strapunsa de-o raza

De lumina e palita si eliminata

Ceea ce fiinta ta este!

Essenza di te [Spanish translation]

Viento suave que cruzó y descompuso

La niebla atravesada por un rayo

Murió de luz y desapareció

Esta esencia de ti

Insano lyrics
Pentimento Sensazione forte Costrizione, folle sforzo dalla mente cessa Vedo il precipizio Incosciente, scavo in fondo a una pazzia Non torna più Trem...
Insano [English translation]
Regret Intense sensation Restraint, psycho effort of mind, stop! I see the ruin Unconscious, I dig deep in a madness It comes back no more I tremble, ...
Quarterpast lyrics
All what is left is cold, dead bodies Without a soul Just raised to be slaughtered Looking upon these cold, dead bodies Gone are their souls Just wast...
Quarterpast [Portuguese translation]
Tudo que restou são cadáveres gelados Desalmados Criados somente para serem abatidos Olhe para esses cadáveres gelados Desaparecidas são as suas almas...
Saints Don't Die lyrics
Se il volere tuo è questo Lotteremo, male no, non vicerà Inside we all should know That saints don't care They'll send the infantry To fight our wars ...
War On Terror lyrics
Drop the grey curtain and reveal Your truly sharp intentions Drop the weapons and appeal To all your moral senses Common sense Indifference Negligence...
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