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Boyinaband lyrics
Violent Bible Rap
Dan will be a snake by the roadside A viper along the path That bites the horse's heels So that its rider tumbles back 1 A flame goes forth from his m...
Violent Bible Rap [Greek [Ancient] translation]
Καὶ γενηθήτω Δὰν ὄφις ἐφ᾿ ὁδοῦ, ἐγκαθήμενος ἐπὶ τρίβου, δάκνων πτέρναν ἵππου, καὶ πεσεῖται ὁ ἱππεὺς εἰς τὰ ὀπίσω, 1 καταγελᾷ δὲ σεισμοῦ πυρφόρου 2 καὶ...
Don't Stay in School lyrics
I wasn’t taught how to get a job but I can remember dissecting a frog I wasn’t taught how to pay tax but I know loads about Shakespeare's classics I w...
Don't Stay in School [Croatian translation]
Nisam podučavan kako naći posao Ali mogu se sjetiti seciranja žabe Nisam podučavan kako platiti porez Ali znam hrpe toga o Shakespeareovim klasicima N...
Don't Stay in School [French translation]
On ne m'a pas appris comment avoir un job Mais je me souviens avoir disséqué une grenouille On ne m'a pas appris comment payer mes impôts Mais j'en sa...
Don't Stay in School [German translation]
Ich habe nicht gelernt, wie man einen Job bekommt aber ich kann mich erinnern, einen Frosch seziert zu haben Ich habe nicht gelernt, wie man Steuern z...
Don't Stay in School [Portuguese translation]
Eu não aprendi a conseguir um emprego Mas eu me lembro de briófitas e pteridófitas Eu não aprendi a pagar meus impostos Mas eu sei toneladas sobre os ...
Don't Stay in School [Serbian translation]
Nisam naučen kako da nađem posao ali mogu da se setim seciranja žabe Nisam naučen kako da plaćam takse ali znam mnogo o Šekspirovim klasicima Nikada n...
Empty lyrics
Mirror mirror on the wall Tunnel vision on the flaws In the scale of things it’s unimportant So no talking but it’s still an intrusive thought Tried h...
Empty [Greek translation]
Καθρέπτη, καθρεφτάκι μου η όραση περιορισμένη στα ψεγάδια σε σύγκριση με άλλα πράγματα δεν είναι σημαντικό οπότε δεν μιλάω για αυτό μα και πάλι είναι ...
I'm not dead lyrics
"I'm Not Dead" I’m not dead I’m not fixed, but I’m not giving up yet I’m sick of saying that I still don't have anything done I hate telling friends I...
I'm not dead [French translation]
"Je ne suis pas mort" Je ne suis pas mort Je ne vais pas mieux, mais je n'abandonne pas encore Je suis lassé de dire que je n'ai rien fait Je déteste ...
I'm not dead [Greek translation]
"Δεν είμαι νεκρός" Δεν είμαι νεκρός Δεν είμαι σταθερός, αλλά δεν τα παρατάω ακόμη Έχω κουραστεί να λέω ότι ακόμη δεν έχω κάνει τίποτα Μισώ να λέω στου...
I'm not dead [Norwegian translation]
Jeg er ikke død Jeg er ikke fikset, men jeg gir ikke opp enda Jeg er lei av å si at jeg ikke har fått gjort noe Jeg hater å fortelle mine venner at je...
I'm not dead [Russian translation]
"Я не умер" Я не умер Я не пришёл в себя, но я ещё не сдаюсь Мне надоело говорить, что я до сих пор ничего не сделал Я ненавижу говорить друзьям, что ...
I'm not dead [Turkish translation]
"Ölmedim" Ölmedim Kararlı değilim ama henüz vazgeçmiyorum Hâlâ bitirdiğim bir şey yok demekten bıktım Arkadaşlarıma bir şeyi deniyorum deyip bırakmakt...
Murder lyrics
Ah Ah Ah I’m looking at you from a distance Mirrored in the glint of my knife Ah Ah Ah It could be over in an instant There within a blink of an eye N...
Spectrum lyrics
[Boyinaband:] She loved her like that But telling her family? They might snap So confined she couldn’t confide She was playing girl games, offline She...
Spectrum [French translation]
[Boyinaband] Elle l'aimait, commeça, Mais le dire à sa famille ? Ils péteraient un câble Si confinée qu'elle ne pouvait se confier Elle jouait à des j...
Spectrum [German translation]
Sie liebte sie // einfach so Aber das ihrer Familie erzählen? Sie könnten durchdrehen So eingesperrt, sie konnte es niemandem anvertrauen Sie spielte ...
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