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Frank Reyes lyrics
Amor A Distancia lyrics
Me duelen ver los rayos de un sol, que hoy ha nacido, creyendo recuerdos de tus besos amargos conmigo esperaba con ansiedad el día de tu llegada, bien...
Amor A Distancia [English translation]
Sunshines make me recall those bitter kisses We used to have, and that makes me hurt I used to hope you would come to me But distance is what causes o...
Amor desperdiciado lyrics
Tanto que te ame tanto que te dije A ti jamás te ha importado Me dejas aquí no sé a donde fuiste Ni por qué me has cambiado Que dura es la vida vivien...
Amor desperdiciado [English translation]
So much I loved you, so much I told you You have never cared You leave me here, I don't know here did you go nor what have you changed me for How hard...
Ayer te vi con el lyrics
Ayer te vi con el, Y note en sus ojos la falsa mirada enganandote, Tu no sabes Natalia disiendo que eres su unica mujer, Y me enoje, Cuando te vi con ...
Ayer te vi con el [English translation]
Yesterday, I saw you with him, And noted in his eyes the false looking that cheated you you don't understand Natalia saying that you are a unique woma...
Ella es Asi lyrics
Ella es asi, ella es sencillamente bella Una reina natural Ella es asi, ella es sencillamente tierna Para ella es mi cantar Ella es un sueño, que de u...
Ella es Asi [English translation]
She is like that, simply beautiful A natural queen She is like that, simply tender To her goes my song She is a dream that from a star Came down made ...
Ella es Asi [English translation]
She's like that, she's merely beautiful a natural queen She's like that, she's merely sweet my singing is to her She's a dream, that from a star came ...
Eres falsa lyrics
Suena Mejicana ??? Escuchaste bien? Contigo me vi engañado Pensaba que me querías Pero al fin me he dado cuenta de que eres falsa amiga mía Los días m...
Lejos de tu vida lyrics
Habrás perdido la memoria O sera que perdiste la conciencia No intentes confundirme, yo no voy a permitir que juegues con mi inteligencia No es un sec...
Lejos de tu vida [English translation]
Have you lost your memory? Or is it that you lost your conscience? Don't try to confuse me, I am not going to let you play with my mind It's no secret...
Nada de Nada lyrics
Tú fuiste para mí, en esta vida, todo, Mi razón de vivir, y me dejaste solo. Sólo pensaste en ti, cuando más yo te amaba, No me importó sufrir, aún as...
Nada de Nada [English translation]
You were for me, in this life, everything, My reason for living, and you left me alone. You only thought of yourself when I most loved you, I didn't c...
No Te Vayas lyrics
Cuando quieras irte dimelo y me ire contigo amor, porque no sera facil dejarte libre el camino despues que sembraste tanto amor en mi corazon no sera ...
No Te Vayas [English translation]
Say me when you want to go And I will go with you, my love Because it won't be easy to let free the way After you wreaked so much love in my soul It w...
Noche de pasión lyrics
Hola amor, cómo te va, dedícame un minuto Te tengo que hablar, ya lo nuestro termino Pues en casa espera alguien que por mi todo lo dio Esa e mi dama,...
Noche de pasión [English translation]
Hello love, how are you, give me a minute I have to talk to you, what we had is over Well, there is someone waiting at home who gave everything for me...
Princesa lyrics
te recuerdo como una niña aquella de la escuela la que se creia la reina del salon la de ojitos saltones y Mirada traviesa la que dejo en mi alma la p...
Princesa [English translation]
I remember you as that girl in school the one who believed she was the queen of the class the one with big eyes and a mischievous gaze the one who lef...
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