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Tame Impala lyrics
Led Zeppelin lyrics
[Verse 1] Senses taking over Thought you set me free I tried to get up But it was pouring down on me Keeps on burnin' deeper Tells me who to believe S...
Led Zeppelin [German translation]
(Vers 1) Die Sinne übernehmen Ich dachte, ihr macht mich frei Ich versuchte aufzustehen Doch es ergoss sich auf mich herab Und brennt immer noch tiefe...
Led Zeppelin [Turkish translation]
Duyular devralarak Beni serbest bıraktığını sanıyordum Kalkmaya çalıştım Ama benden aşağı yağıyordu Daha derinlerde yanmaya devam ediyor Bana kim inan...
Let it Happen lyrics
It's always around me, all this noise But not nearly as loud as the voice saying "Let it happen, let it happen (It's gonna feel so good) Just let it h...
Let it Happen [Croatian translation]
Uvijek je oko mene, sva ta buka Ali ni upola glasna kao glas koji govori "Neka se dogodi, neka se dogodi (osjećaj će biti tako dobar) Samo neka se dog...
Let it Happen [French translation]
Ça m’entoure de partout, tous ces bruits Mais ils ne sont pas aussi forts que la voix qui dit « Laisse-le arriver, laisse-le arriver (Ça fera tellemen...
Let it Happen [German translation]
Es ist immer um mich herum, all diese Geräusche Doch nicht annähernd so laut wie die Stimme, die sagt "Lass es geschehen, lass es geschehen (es wird s...
Let it Happen [Greek translation]
Είναι πάντα τριγύρω μου, όλος αυτή η φασαρία Αλλά ούτε κατά διάνοια τόσο δυνατή όσο η φωνή που λέει "Άστο να συμβεί, άστο να συμβεί Απλώς άστο να συμβ...
Let it Happen [Hungarian translation]
Folyton körülvesz engem, ez a sok zaj De kicsit sem olyan hangosak, mint a hang ami azt mondja "Hagyd megtörténni, hagyd megtörténni (Nagyon jó érzés ...
Let it Happen [Portuguese translation]
Está sempre ao meu redor, todo esse barulho Mas nem chega perto da voz que diz ''Deixe que aconteça, deixe (vai ser maravilhoso) Só deixe acontecer, d...
Let it Happen [Portuguese translation]
Está sempre ao meu redor, todo esse barulho Mas por pouco não é tão alto quanto a voz dizendo "Deixe acontecer, deixe acontecer (isso vai ser tão bom)...
Let it Happen [Russian translation]
Этот шум, что постоянно окружает меня Не сравнится с громогласным голосом, произносящим "Позволь этому произойти, пусть будет так (тебе будет так хоро...
Let it Happen [Spanish translation]
Siempre me rodea todo este ruido pero no es tan fuerte como la voz que dice: "Deja que ocurra, deja que ocurra (se va a sentir tan bien), ya deja que ...
Let it Happen [Spanish translation]
Todo este ruido siempre es a mi alrededor Pero no fue próximo tan fuerte como la voz diciendo "Deja que ocurra, deja que ocurra (Va a salirse bien) Só...
Let it Happen [Turkish translation]
Tüm bu gürültü her zaman çevremde Ama "Gerçekleşmesine izin ver, gerçekleşmesine izin ver (Çok iyi gelecek) Sadece gerçekleşmesine izin ver, gerçekleş...
List of People [To Try and Forget About] lyrics
[Verse 1] Now I gotta add you to my list of people to try and forget about Now I gotta add yours to my list of faces to try and not think about Now I ...
List of People [To Try and Forget About] [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Je dois maintenant t'ajouter à ma liste de personnes à essayer d'oublier Maintenant, je dois ajouter le tien à ma liste de visages à essay...
List of People [To Try and Forget About] [German translation]
(Vers 1) Nun habe ich dich auf meine Liste der Leute gesetzt, um es auszuprobieren und dann zu vergessen Nun habe ich deins auf meine Liste der Gesich...
List of People [To Try and Forget About] [Greek translation]
Τώρα πρέπει να σε προσθέσω στην λίστα μου των ατόμων που πρέπει να ξεχάσω Τώρα πρέπει να σε προσθέσω στην λίστα μου με τα πρόσωπα που πρέπει να προσπα...
List of People [To Try and Forget About] [Portuguese translation]
- Agora preciso te adicionar na lista de pessoas para tentar esquecer Agora preciso te adicionar na lista de rostos para tentar não ver Agora preciso ...
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