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Mayhem lyrics
Funeral Fog [Turkish translation]
Bu yıl her zaman ki gibi Bu karanlık sis ortaya çıkıcak Mezarların ilerisinden geliyor Bir tane daha hayatı alıp yakın olmak için Transylvania'nın ort...
Ghoul lyrics
The sweet smell of warm blood, It fills the air Your fucking guts Splattered everywhere Ghoul!!!! The suffocating stench Of corpses putrefying, I love...
Ghoul [Serbian translation]
Slatki miris tople krvi, Ispunjava vazduh Tvoja jebena creva su Potpuno izbrckana Zli duh!!! Zagusljivi smrad Leseva koji trule, Volim ovaj pokolj Ja ...
Great Work of Ages lyrics
Arrival of an achromatic mechanism Hidden agenda, pious fraud of ages Control, alteration, manipulation, antagonism Human abilities perish in the acid...
Great Work of Ages [Serbian translation]
Dolazak jednog bezbojnog mehanizma Skriveni podsetnik, pobozna prevara vekova Kontrola, izmena, manipulacija, antagonizam Ljudske sposobnosti skapavaj...
I Am Thy Labyrinth lyrics
They speak... In the garden of the prophet Divine madness... The order of the cosmic immoral For what is humanity If not forlorn And crawling to my ha...
I Am Thy Labyrinth [Serbian translation]
Oni pricaju... U basti proroka Bozanstveno ludilo... Naredba kosmickih nemorala Covecanstvo nije nista vise Od odbacenosti I puzi ka mojim rukama Kada...
Illuminate Eliminate lyrics
Where I came from... I must return No more, nothing left to do No other mission Weak and devastated The strength had gone Don't want to know more Don'...
Illuminate Eliminate [Serbian translation]
Odakle sam dosao... Moram se vratiti tamo Nista vise, nista nije preostalo da se ucini Nema druge misije Slabi i porazeni Snaga je nestala Ne zelim vi...
Impious Devious Leper Lord lyrics
I saw an eye in the sky The Lady speaks of times to come The secrets of the world revealed Upon the shores of the end Everything comes to life in me M...
Impious Devious Leper Lord [Serbian translation]
Video sam oko na nebu Dama govori o vremenima koja ce doci Otkrivene tajne sveta Na obalama kraja Sve ozivljava u meni Moje oci su se otvorile ka svet...
In the Lies Where upon You Lay lyrics
In the century where man dies, We the hunters of the hollow hills Must put ourselves above pity, Above self deception as law We must be again as once ...
In the Lies Where upon You Lay [Serbian translation]
U veku gde covek umire, Mi lovci supljih brda Moramo postaviti sebe iznad sazaljenja, Izvan samo-odrubljivanja kao zakona Mi se moramo ujediniti opet ...
Invoke the Oath lyrics
From these maleficent realms Invoke the oath under will Come atrocious Omnipotent Absorb all life Before this iron age Creation was fouled By the stor...
Key to the Storms lyrics
Penetrate the lions at the gates Illusions flow After the next Iron Age Mankind lost The ships of flames rise to the sky Annunaki on board Watcher sea...
Key to the Storms [Serbian translation]
Probij lavove na kapijama Iluzije plutaju Nakon sledeceg gvozdenog doba Covecanstvo se gubi Brodovi plamena se uzdizu do neba Annunaki na palubi Straz...
Malum lyrics
Mors certa hora incerta Daemonem liberta Mens mala Animus malus Ab infernus sulus Daleo perdeo extinguo Malum magnum excito Daleo perdeo extinguo Malu...
MILAB lyrics
Flashback of lights Phantom halos come to life Black piercing eyes Nocturnal visit of the fourth kind Petrified paralyzed I hover above beyond myself ...
MILAB [Serbian translation]
Retrospekcija svetla Fantomski oreol se vraca u zivot Prodorno crne oci Nocna poseta cetvrte vrste Okamenjen paralizovan Ja lebdim iznad i izvan sebe ...
My Dark Subconscious lyrics
Beyond of death, of darkness A land beyond for sure Dark it's sky... dark as my hatred Several times saw it Because of death that brings them near Mem...
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