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Mayhem lyrics
A Grand Declaration of War [Serbian translation]
Hriscanstvo.....Religija sazaljenja.....Bog bolesnih Mi smo otkrili svoj pravac.....Mi znamo put Mi smo pronasli put iz ovog lavirinta milenijuma Izva...
A Grand Declaration of War [Turkish translation]
Hristiyan Alemi.....Acınası din.....İğrençliğin tanrısı Biz kendi yolumuzu keşfettik.....Yolu biliyoruz Labirentin bin yıllık döneminden çıkış yolunu ...
A Time to Die lyrics
The death throes of your final benediction echoes Down the spiral of the world's spine Down upon our great army behind the burning lake The fiery last...
A Time to Die [Italian translation]
L'agonia della tua benedizione finale echeggia Giu' per la spirale della spina dorsale del mondo Giu', oltre il nostro grande esercito oltre il lago i...
A Time to Die [Serbian translation]
Smrtni bolovi tvog krajnjeg blagoslova odzvanjaju Vrtoglavo dole niz kicmu sveta Dole na nasoj sjajnoj armiji iza goruceg jezera Vatreni, poslednji da...
A Time to Die [Turkish translation]
Son kutsamanın ölüm sancıları yankılanır Dünyanın omurgasının sarmalından aşağı doğru Yanan gölün arkasındaki yüce ordumuza doğru Dünya üzerindeki ege...
A Wise Birthgiver lyrics

To creature give life

Create a primitive worker

That he may bear the yoke assigned

A Wise Birthgiver [German translation]

Kreaturen Leben geben,

einen primitiven Arbeiter kreieren,

so dass er dass zugewiesene Joch ertragen möge.

A Wise Birthgiver [Serbian translation]

Daj zivot stvorenju

Stvori primitivnog radnika

To ce se mozda nositi sa dodeljenim jarmom

A Wise Birthgiver [Turkish translation]

Kölenin hayat verebilmesi için

İlkel bir işçi yarat

Atanmış olduğu boyunduruğu belki o hazmedebilir

Aeon Daemonium lyrics
Stand up Legion Rejoice Let him fill your punctured heart Sathanas cor tuum The beast awaits Coming out of the sea The bottomless pit He lurks in the ...
Aeon Daemonium [Italian translation]
Levati, Legione Rallegrati Lascia che colomi il tuo cuore perforato Sathanas cor tuum [1] La Bestia attende Sta giungendo sal mare Dalle profondita' i...
Agenda Ignis lyrics
Burned alive In purgatory flames Buried alive In depths of conscience Crematory ashes Lust for the dead Property of sin Earth opens Agenda Ignis Penta...
Aion Suntelia lyrics
Cast down between two world Across the dark sea of awareness The body hologram born From the dust of a dying star Neverending now of infinite illusion...
Ancient Skin lyrics
In these nights of magic Where great pamis obscured By the fantasy dragon made real By the powers of lingering trauma I looked beyond the dawn of day ...
Ancient Skin [Serbian translation]
U ovim magicnim nocima Koje je veliki bol zamracio Fantazija je ostvarila zmaja Moc traume koja okleva Gledao sam iznad zore ovog dana Izvan lica koja...
Anti lyrics
Spawn of Annunaki, crossbreed make war Make war with the universe death of the planet Fall of an aeon The great work of ages The acid of sorcery Delud...
Anti [German translation]
Ausgeburt der Annunaki, Kreuzung führe Krieg! Führe Krieg mit dem Universum, der Tod des Planeten! Sturz eines Äons, das große Werk ganzer Zeitalter. ...
Anti [Serbian translation]
Mrest Annunakija, hibrid stvara rat Stvori rat sa univerzumom, smrt planete Pad eona Sjajni rad vekova Kiselina vradzbine Obmanjene verzije otkrovenja...
Bad Blood lyrics
So much flowing bad blood Rising like the flood There is no cure for what you have Nothing can fix it You poisoned your own blood There is no coming b...
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