Combien faut-il de temps lyrics
Notre amour est blessé,
nos deux cœurs lui ressemblent,
nous avons traversé
le grand orage ensemble,
mais au bout du chemin,
après tant de chagrins,
Combien faut-il de temps [English translation]
Our love is hurt,
Our two hearts look like it,
We went through
The great storm together,
But at the end of the way,
After so many griefs,
I finally me...
Combien faut-il de temps [Romanian translation]
Iubirea noastră e rănită,
inimile noastre seamănă cu ea.
Noi am străbătut
marea furtună împreună,
dar la capătul drumului,
după atâtea mâhniri,
te-am ...