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3LAU lyrics
There's no time for fate, there's just us And all that we create turns to dust So what you gonna leave behind? Show me what you keep locked inside You...
How You Love Me lyrics
Nobody's perfect I'll never try, But I promise I'm worth it if you just open up your eyes, I don't need a second chance, I need a friend, Someone who'...
How You Love Me [Dutch translation]
Niemand is volmaakt - ik zal 't nooit proberen te zijn Maar ik beloof dat ik 't waard ben als jij gewoon je ogen opent Ik heb geen behoefte aan nog ee...
How You Love Me [French translation]
Personne n'est parfait je n'essaierai jamais, Mais je te promets que j'en vaux la peine si tu ouvres tes yeux, Je n'ai pas besoin d'une seconde chance...
How You Love Me [Serbian translation]
Niko nije savrsen Ja nikada ni necu pokusati, Ali obecavam vrijedan sam toga..samo ako bi otvorila svoje oci, Ne trebam drugu sansu, Ja trebam prijate...
How You Love Me [Turkish translation]
Kimse mükemmel değil asla denemeyeceğim, Ama söz veriyorum ki eğer gözlerini açarsan ben buna değerim, İkinci bir şansa ihtiyacım yok, Bir arkadaşa ih...
On My Mind lyrics
My eyes have no direction Come a little closer - to me I need your information I'm not leavin' here without you Oh baby I've been thinkin' 'bout you A...
On My Mind [Greek translation]
Τα μάτια μου δεν έχουν κατεύθυνση Έλα λίγο πιο κοντά - σε μένα Χρειάζομαι τα στοιχεία σου Δεν φεύγω από εδώ χωρίς εσένα Ω μωρό μου σε σκέφτομαι Και ίσ...
Touch lyrics
[Verse 1: Carla Paige] No talk, seven days Dead air, empty space Is this where we are now? Would call, but I don't You could, but you won't Cause it's...
Touch [Russian translation]
~ Молчание, семь дней, Мертвый воздух, пустое пространство. Это то, где мы сейчас? Хочу позвонить, но не стану. Ты мог бы, но не захотел. Потому что в...
We Came To Bang lyrics
Can you hear me when I call Yet everybody wants to know This could be the moment we break through This could be the start of something new This could ...
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