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Maywood lyrics
Breaking up is hard to do
Do do do Down dooby doo down down, comma comma Down dooby doo down down, comma comma Down dooby doo down down Breaking up is hard to do Don't take you...
Ask For Tina lyrics
The first time I saw you and all those little children, There were quite a few I never saw a thing like that, oh yes it's true What kind of magic turn...
Ask For Tina [French translation]
La première fois que je t'ai vue et tous ces petits enfants, Il y en avait pas mal Je n'ai jamais vu une chose pareil, c'est vrai Quel type de magie m...
Ask For Tina [German translation]
Das erste Mal, als ich dich und all diese kleinen Kinder sah, Waren da ziemlich viele, Ich habe so etwas noch nie gesehen, oh ja, das ist wahr! Welche...
Ask For Tina [Italian translation]
La prima volta che ho visto te E tutti quei bambini, Ce n'erano parecchi, sì, è vero. Che tipo di magia mi ha eccitato? Voglio conoscerli tutti, Vogli...
Ask For Tina [Romanian translation]
Prima dată când te-am văzut Pe tine şi pe toţi acei copilaşi, Erau destul de mulţi, o da, e-adevărat. Ce fel de magie m-a excitat? Vreau să-i cunosc p...
Ask For Tina [Russian translation]
Первый раз, когда я увидела тебя и всех тех маленьких детей, Их было довольно много Я никогда не видела ничего подобного, о да, это правда Какой вид м...
Ask For Tina [Spanish translation]
La primera vez que te vi, y a todos aquellos niños Eran bastantes Nunca vi algo como esto, oh sí, es real ¿Qué clase de magia me encendió? Quiero cono...
Be My Man lyrics
Light up the fire Sing me a song of love There is a reason for every season, For every star above Yesterday's gone, We make a brand new start Falling ...
Be My Man [Romanian translation]
Aprinde focul, Cântă-mi un cântec de dragoste! E un motiv pentru fiecare anotimp, Pentru fiecare stea de sus. Ziua de ieri s-a dus, O luăm de la încep...
Be My Man [Russian translation]
Зажги огонь Спой мне песню о любви Есть повод на каждый период На каждую звезду на небе Прошлое закончилось Мы сделаем новый старт Любовь - красивая в...
Circumstance lyrics
There's a woman standing alone in the hall. Waiting for someone to call, a simple call to say: "Hello". There's a stranger, asking me what time it is....
Colour My Rainbow lyrics
Colour my rainbow in blue Take me to much better places Baby come over and take me in your arms Let me be there and aware of your charms. Colour my ra...
Eres tú lyrics
Eres tú el premio de mi vida Solo tú la estrella que me guía El cielo se desploma si te vas Eres tú mis ganas de cantar Eres tú la mano que me ayuda S...
Eres tú [English translation]
You are The reward of my life Only you The star that guides me The sky falls If you go away You are My desire to sing You are The hand that helps me O...
Eres tú [German translation]
Du bist Die Belohnung meines Lebens Nur du Der Stern, der mich führt Der Himmel stürzt ein, Wenn du gehst Du bist Meine Lust zu singen Du bist Die Han...
Eres tú [Romanian translation]
Refren: Tu eşti Premiul vieţii mele, Doar tu, Steaua care mă ghidează. Cerul se prăbuşeşte Dacă pleci, Tu eşti Dorinţa-mi de-a cânta. Tu eşti Mâna car...
Eres tú [Russian translation]
Ты Моя награда Только ты Моя путеводная звезда Небо опускается Когда ты уходишь Ты Моё желание петь. Ты Рука, которая мне помогает Только ты Мой источ...
Friday Night lyrics
Worked all day, it was a mess, Did my job without success. "Better luck next time", they're telling me. "Why don't you get off your chair? Go and get ...
Friday Night [Romanian translation]
Am muncit toată ziua, a fost un dezastru, Mi-am făcut treaba fără succes. ”Vei fi mai norocoasă data viitoare”, îmi spun ei. ”De ce nu te dai jos de p...
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