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Sonata Arctica lyrics
Cinderblox lyrics
If I one day found my way back home One more ride for the hell of it If I one day found my way back home I would tell you how I love you so One more t...
Closer To An Animal lyrics
I am a man, You fell down from that apple tree The other day with me We had already forgotten, We one day crawled up from the sea Imagine now, If we o...
Closer To An Animal [Italian translation]
Sono un uomo, Sei caduto da quel melo Qualche giorno fa con me Avevamo già dimenticato che Un giorno strisciammo fuori dal mare Immagina ora, Se un gi...
Closer To An Animal [Spanish translation]
Soy un hombre Tú caíste de ese manzano El otro día conmigo Habíamos olvidado ya, Que un día salimos arrastrándonos del mar Imagina ahora, Si un día pu...
Cloud Factory lyrics
For every child there dawns a day They wonder from where they come Why is the sky so pink tonight How fast do clouds fly by And so you come up with st...
Cloud Factory [Czech translation]
Pro každé dítě jednou nastane den, Kdy se začne zajímat o to, odkud přišlo Proč je obloha dnes večer tak růžová Jak rychle plynou mraky A tak začneš v...
Cloud Factory [French translation]
Pour chaque enfant vient un jour Où ils se demandent d'où ils viennent Pourquoi le ciel est si rose A quelle vitesse les nuages volent-ils Et alors tu...
Cloud Factory [German translation]
Für jedes Kind kommt der Tag Sie fragen sich woher sie kommen Warum ist der Himmel so pink heut' Nacht Wie schnell schweben die Wolken vorbei? Und so ...
Cloud Factory [Hungarian translation]
Minden gyereknek felvirrad a nap, Mikor tudni szeretné, honnan jött, Ma este miért oly vörös az ég, S a felhők miképp suhannak. Így előállsz története...
Cloud Factory [Italian translation]
Per ogni bambino arriva il giorno In cui si chiederà da dove viene Perché il cielo è così roseo stanotte Quanto veloce si spostano le nuvole E così tu...
Cloud Factory [Serbian translation]
Za svako dete osvane dan Oni se pitaju odakle dolaze Zašto je nebo tako ružičasto noćas Koliko brzo oblaci mogu proletati I tako ti dolaziš sa prilčam...
Cold lyrics
Standing with my back against the wall Standing with back against the wall It's cold, cold Day, night, fades to dawn Now the fire breathing dragon I h...
Cold [German translation]
Ich steh mit meinem Rücken gegen die Wand Ich steh mit dem Rücken gegen die Wand Es ist kalt, kalt Tag, Nacht, verblasst im Morgengrauen Jetzt wird de...
Cold [Russian translation]
Я стою, прижавшись спиной к стене, Я стою, прижавшись спиной к стене, Она холодная, холодная День, ночь, угасающая к рассвету, Теперь огнедышащий драк...
Deathaura lyrics
THE PREMONITION "Remember when I told you how my kin is different in some ways? And how you should not fall in love with someone like me, anyway... Be...
Deathaura [French translation]
LA PRÉMONITION "Te rappelles-tu quand je te disais que ma famille est différente d'une certaine manière? Et que tu ne devrais pas tomber amoureux de q...
Deathaura [Italian translation]
LA PREMONIZIONE "Ricordi quando ti ho detto che la mia famiglia è diversa per certi versi? E che non dovresti innamorarti di persone come me, comunque...
Deathaura [Spanish translation]
LA PREMONICIÓN "¿Recuerdas cuando te dije que mi familia era diferente de alguna forma? ¿Y cómo no debes enamorarte de alguien como yo, de cualquier m...
Destruction Preventer lyrics
I'm at home where my coat's hanging, I'm a shepherd of raising sun I believe and trust in my land, I control, I am in charge of Everyone's future, red...
Don't Be Mean lyrics
I am lost, with no key And I worry there's no easy way out of this place I'm the pain that I cause Must I let out all the evil to be healed? To be hea...
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