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Jesus Christ Superstar (Musical) lyrics
Poor Jerusalem [Italian translation]
[Gesù] Non tu, Simone Né i cinquantamila Né i romani Né gli ebrei Né Giuda Né i Dodici Né i sacerdoti Né gli scribi Né Gerusalemme stessa, la condanna...
Simon Zealotes lyrics
[CROWD] Christ, you know I love you; Did you see I waved? I believe in you and God, So tell me that I'm saved! Christ, you know I love you; Did you se...
Simon Zealotes [Finnish translation]
[JOUKKO] Kristus, tiedät sinua rakastan; Näitkö kuinka vilkutin? Uskon sinuun ja Jumalaan Joten minulle kerro että pelastettu oon! Kristus, tiedät sin...
Simon Zealotes [French translation]
[FOULE] Christ tu sais que je t'aime, m'as-tu vu lever les mains ? Je crois en toi et en Dieu alors dis moi que je suis sauvé ! Christ tu sais que je ...
Simon Zealotes [Italian translation]
[Folla] Cristo, sai che ti amo Mi hai visto che ti salutavo? Io credo in te ed in Dio Perciò dimmi che sono salvo! Cristo, sai che ti amo Mi hai visto...
Jesus Christ Superstar [Musical] - Strange Thing Mystifying
[JUDAS] It seems to me a strange thing, mystifying That a man like you can waste his time On women of her kind Yes, I can understand that she amuses B...
Strange Thing Mystifying [Finnish translation]
[JUDAS] Se minulta näyttää outo asia, hämmentävä Että kaltaisesi mies voi aikaansa kuluttaa Hänen kaltaisen naisen kaa Kyllä, ymmärrän että hän huvitt...
Strange Thing Mystifying [French translation]
[JUDAS] Cela me paraît chose étrange et déconcertante qu'un homme comme toi puisse gaspiller son temps avec des femmes de son genre. Oui, je peux comp...
Strange Thing Mystifying [Italian translation]
[Giuda] Mi sembra una cosa strana, sconcertante Che un uomo come te possa perdere tempo Con una donna come lei Sì, capisco che sia piacevole [stare co...
Jesus Christ Superstar [Musical] - Superstar
[JUDAS] Every time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did get so out of hand You'd have managed better if you'd had it planne...
Superstar [Finnish translation]
[JUDAS] Every time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did get so out of hand You'd have managed better if you'd had it planne...
Superstar [French translation]
[JUDAS] Every time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did get so out of hand You'd have managed better if you'd had it planne...
Superstar [Italian translation]
[JUDAS] Every time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did get so out of hand You'd have managed better if you'd had it planne...
Superstar [Swedish translation]
[JUDAS] Every time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did get so out of hand You'd have managed better if you'd had it planne...
Superstar [Swedish translation]
[JUDAS] Every time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did get so out of hand You'd have managed better if you'd had it planne...
Superstar [Turkish translation]
[JUDAS] Every time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did get so out of hand You'd have managed better if you'd had it planne...
Superstar [Swedish] lyrics
Varje gång jag ser på dig så frågar jag mig Varför lät du gå så snett med din grej? Om du alltid handlade åt publikfrieri Kunde du väl valt en bättre ...
Superstar [Swedish] [English translation]
Varje gång jag ser på dig så frågar jag mig Varför lät du gå så snett med din grej? Om du alltid handlade åt publikfrieri Kunde du väl valt en bättre ...
The Arrest lyrics
[JUDAS] There he is They're all asleep, the fools! [JESUS] Judas, must you betray me With a kiss? [APOSTLES] What's the buzz Tell me what's happening ...
The Arrest [French translation]
[JUDAS] There he is They're all asleep, the fools! [JESUS] Judas, must you betray me With a kiss? [APOSTLES] What's the buzz Tell me what's happening ...
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