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Jesus Christ Superstar (Musical) lyrics
Alt For Himmelvendte Sind [Heaven On Their Minds] lyrics
Alt står mig mere klart Jeg ved, med mig selv, Alt for vidst, hvor'n det går os til sidst Hvis man piller ved Den myte, du er, Går det galt og din hen...
Alt For Himmelvendte Sind [Heaven On Their Minds] [English translation]
Alt står mig mere klart Jeg ved, med mig selv, Alt for vidst, hvor'n det går os til sidst Hvis man piller ved Den myte, du er, Går det galt og din hen...
Could We Start Again Please lyrics
[Mary Magdalene & Disciples] I've been living to see you Dying to see you but it shouldn't be like this This was unexpected, what do I do now? Could w...
Could We Start Again Please [Finnish translation]
[Maria Magdalena & Opetuslapset] (Minä) olen elänyt sinut nähdäkseni Malttanut en sinua nähdä, mutta ei se näin pitäisi olla Tämä oli odottamatonta, m...
Could We Start Again Please [French translation]
[Marie-Madeleine & disciples] J'ai donné ma vie pour Te voir, à en mourir pour te voir mais ça ne devrait pas être comme ça. C'était inattendu, Que fa...
Could We Start Again Please [Italian translation]
[Maria Maddalena & discepoli] Sono nata per vederti Morivo dalla voglia di vederti, ma non sarebbe dovuta andare così È stato così inaspettato, cosa f...
Could We Start Again Please [Turkish translation]
Seni görmek için yaşıyordum Seni görmek için ölüyordum ama böyle olmamalıydı Bu beklenmedikti, şimdi ne yapacağım? En baştan başlayabilir miyiz, nolur...
Damned For All Time/Blood Money lyrics
[JUDAS] Now, if I help you, it matters that you see These sordid kind of things are coming hard to me It's taken me some time to work out what to do I...
Damned For All Time/Blood Money [Finnish translation]
[JUUDAS] Nyt - Jos teitä autan - Sillä on väliä että näette Nämä halpamaiset asiat ovat minulle vaikeita Se on ottanut vähän aikaa ratkaista mitä tehd...
Damned For All Time/Blood Money [French translation]
[JUDAS] Maintenant, si je vous aide, il est important que vous voyez (que) la sordidité de ce genre de choses m'afflige. Cela m'a pris un bon moment p...
Damned For All Time/Blood Money [Italian translation]
[Giuda] Ora, se vi aiuto, è importante che capiate Questo genere di cose sordide mi risultano difficili Mi ci è voluto un po' di tempo per capire cosa...
En dimmig himmelsdröm lyrics
Det börjar klarna nu Jag ser allt för klart Allt det där ingen annan törs se Det har ballat ut En myt, o en hype En person Det är allt som dem ser Jes...
En dimmig himmelsdröm [English translation]
Det börjar klarna nu Jag ser allt för klart Allt det där ingen annan törs se Det har ballat ut En myt, o en hype En person Det är allt som dem ser Jes...
En dimmig himmelsdröm [Finnish translation]
Det börjar klarna nu Jag ser allt för klart Allt det där ingen annan törs se Det har ballat ut En myt, o en hype En person Det är allt som dem ser Jes...
Everything's Alright lyrics
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to Problems that upset you, oh. Don't you know Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine. And we want yo...
Everything's Alright [Finnish translation]
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to Problems that upset you, oh. Don't you know Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine. And we want yo...
Everything's Alright [French translation]
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to Problems that upset you, oh. Don't you know Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine. And we want yo...
Everything's Alright [Hungarian translation]
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to Problems that upset you, oh. Don't you know Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine. And we want yo...
Everything's Alright [Italian translation]
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to Problems that upset you, oh. Don't you know Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine. And we want yo...
Everything's Alright [Spanish translation]
Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to Problems that upset you, oh. Don't you know Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine. And we want yo...
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