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Boy Epic lyrics
Trust [Turkish translation]
(ıslık) (enstrumental) (kıta 1) Beni savaşa götür Küllerinden dökülen Tehlike yerde Tavşanlarla kaçıyor (ön-nakarat 1) Kafesi kır, yılanların arasında...
Unconditionally lyrics
Oh no, did I get too close oh? Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside? All your insecurities All the dirty laundry Never made me blink one t...
Unconditionally [Serbian translation]
Oh ne, jesam li se približio previše? Oh, jesam li skoro video šta je stavrno unutra? Sve tvoje nesigurnosti Sav prljavi veš Nije me naterao da trepne...
Unfaithful lyrics
Truth is, I'm falling apart and I don't know how to start over I'm feeling like a dying soul Stuck in a room full of healthy hearts I've learned to fa...
Unfaithful [Serbian translation]
Istina je, ja se raspadam i ne znam kako da počnem ponovo Osećam se kao duća koja umire Zaglavljen u sobi punoj zdravih srca Naučio sam da se lažno sm...
Unfaithful [Spanish translation]
Es verdad, me estoy cayendo a pedazos y no sé como empezar de nuevo Me siento como un alma moribunda Atrapado en una habitación llena de corazones sal...
Up Down lyrics
I'll be stuck chasing time, running all my life Trying not to lose the fire burning in my eyes In a mad mad world, I'm falling in Little lost to go, t...
Up Down [Italian translation]
Sarò bloccato ad inseguire il tempo, correndo per tutta la mia vita Cercando di non perdere il fuoco che brucia nei miei occhi In un folle, folle mond...
Wicked lyrics
You can call me fantastic Mr. Black Give me a damn cigarette Swallowing my regrets With Jack Daniels, on my breath I need that therapy, that melody I'...
Wicked [Greek translation]
Μπορείς να με αποκαλείς φανταστηκό Κύριο μάυρο Δώσε μου ένα αναθεματισμένο τσιγάρο Καταπίνοντας τη λύπη μου Με Jack daniels, στην αναπνοή μου Χρειάζομ...
Wicked [Romanian translation]
Îmi poți spune Dl. Negru cel fantastic Dă-mi o afurisită de țigară Înghițindu-mi regretele Cu Jack Daniels, în respirația mea Am nevoie de acea terapi...
Wicked [Turkish translation]
Beni fantastik Bay Siyah diye çağırabilirsin Bana lanet bir sigara ver Pişmanlığımı yutkunuyorum Nefesimdeki Jack Daniels ile Bir terapiye ihtiyacım v...
Wolf lyrics
[Verse 1] Ain't got no money but I'm feeling swell I hate this city, it's bad for my health I want a lover that hates themselves So I can pity and fee...
Wolf [Turkish translation]
param yok ama züppe hissediyorum bu şehirden nefret ediyorum, sağlığım için kötü kendinden nefret eden bir sevgili istiyorum böylece ona acıyıp yardım...
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