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William Fitzsimmons lyrics
I Don't Feel It Anymore
Hold on this will hurt more than anything has before What it was, what it was, what it was I've brought this on us more than anyone could ignore What ...
I Don't Feel It Anymore [Danish translation]
Hold fast, det her vil gøre mere ondt, end noget andet har før Dét, det var, dét, det var, dét, det var Jeg har gjort det her ved os, mere ned nogen k...
I Don't Feel It Anymore [German translation]
Halte durch, das wird mehr wehtun als irgendetwas zuvor Was es war, was es war, was es war Ich habe uns das zugefügt, mehr als irgendjemand ignorieren...
I Don't Feel It Anymore [Spanish translation]
Aguanta, esto dolerá más que cualquier otro cosa Lo que era, lo que era, lo que era He traído esto sobre nosotros, más de lo que alguien puede ignorar...
After afterall lyrics
I still love you I still want you I still need you After all For better or worse Sickness and health Till death do us part After all Please don't keep...
After afterall [German translation]
ich liebe dich noch immer ich will dich noch immer Ich brauche dich noch immer nach alledem im Guten wie im Schlechten Krankheit und Gesundheit bis de...
Beautiful Girl lyrics
Unfurl your gown A distant fuller skin I knew you once My God the sun The windows bear your bones Reveal your crime Beautiful girl Let the sunrise com...
Beautiful Girl [Danish translation]
Fold din kjole ud En fjern, fyldigere hud Jeg kendte dig engang Min Gud, solen Vinduet bærer dine ben Afslør din forbrydelse Smukke pige Lad solopgang...
Beautiful Girl [German translation]
Entfalte deine Robe Eine entfernte, fülligere Haut Ich kannte dich einmal Mein Gott, die Sonne Die Fenster tragen deine Gebeine Zeigen deine Verbreche...
Everything Has Changed lyrics
Today I saw my father standing in the graveyard Looking very somber, looking for his mom When he finally found her, he said that it was different Ever...
Everything Has Changed [Danish translation]
I dag så jeg min far stå på en kirkegård Og så meget dyster ud, han ledte efter sin mor Da han endelig fandt hende, sagde han, at det var anderledes A...
Everything Has Changed [German translation]
Heute sah ich meinen Vater auf dem Friedhof stehen [Er] sah sehr traurig aus, suchte seine Mutter Als er sie endlich gefunden hatte, sagt er, dass es ...
Everything Has Changed [Spanish translation]
Hoy vi a mi padre junto al cementerio, se vía bastante sombrío, buscando a su madre. Cuando finalmente la encontró, dijo que estaba diferente, todo es...
Fortune lyrics
There's fortune in the furlough On the other side Wrap ourselves in blankets The crossing of a bridge Is so wide, is so high It's murky in the meadow ...
If you would come back home lyrics
There’s room between your heart And the chair where I’ve been sleeping The place that we called home Will someday watch you leaving There’s room betwe...
If you would come back home [Greek translation]
Υπάρχει απόσταση ανάμεσα στην καρδιά σου Και την καρέκλα όπου κοιμάμαι Το μέρος που λέγαμε σπίτι Κάποια μέρα θα σε δει να φεύγεις Υπάρχει απόσταση ανά...
If you would come back home [Spanish translation]
Hay espacio entre tu corazón y la silla donde he estado durmiendo, el lugar que llamábamos nuestro hogar; algún día te vera ir. Hay espacio entre hoy ...
It's Not True lyrics
Should I decide it's true That you would leave if given half the chance to go and I'd be left here on my own To find myself in bed Wishing everything ...
It's Not True [Danish translation]
Skal jeg beslutte, at det er sandt At du ville gå, hvis du fik den halve chance for at få, og Jeg ville efterlades her alene For at finde mig selv i m...
It's Not True [Spanish translation]
Decido si es verdad que te fueras si se diera la oportunidad de irte y me quedaria aqui solo estar en cama deseando que todo lo que cambio fuera igual...
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