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Jennifer Lopez featuring lyrics
Mouth2Mouth lyrics
We live… We love… We die… [Enrique Iglesias] She called me up late at night We called an innocent crime She’s such a good waste of time But in the bac...
Mouth2Mouth [Arabic translation]
We live… We love… We die… [Enrique Iglesias] She called me up late at night We called an innocent crime She’s such a good waste of time But in the bac...
Mouth2Mouth [French translation]
We live… We love… We die… [Enrique Iglesias] She called me up late at night We called an innocent crime She’s such a good waste of time But in the bac...
Mouth2Mouth [Hungarian translation]
We live… We love… We die… [Enrique Iglesias] She called me up late at night We called an innocent crime She’s such a good waste of time But in the bac...
Mouth2Mouth [Serbian translation]
We live… We love… We die… [Enrique Iglesias] She called me up late at night We called an innocent crime She’s such a good waste of time But in the bac...
Mouth2Mouth [Spanish translation]
We live… We love… We die… [Enrique Iglesias] She called me up late at night We called an innocent crime She’s such a good waste of time But in the bac...
Mouth2Mouth [Turkish translation]
We live… We love… We die… [Enrique Iglesias] She called me up late at night We called an innocent crime She’s such a good waste of time But in the bac...
Hands - A Song For Orlando [Tongan translation]
[Verse 1: Britney Spears + Gwen Stefani] Can hold a gun And hold your heart Can put out fires And make 'em start Skin and bones And flesh and blood Wi...
Hands - A Song For Orlando [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1: Britney Spears + Gwen Stefani] Can hold a gun And hold your heart Can put out fires And make 'em start Skin and bones And flesh and blood Wi...
Lonely lyrics
[Maluma] Son las cinco 'e la mañana y yo pensando en ti (Skrrt) Preguntándome qué hubiera pasa'o (Uh) Hace tiempo que no me has llama'o El alcohol no ...
Lonely [Bulgarian translation]
[Малума] Пет часът сутринта е и аз мисля за теб Питам се какво можеше да се случи Мина време, от както не си ми звъняла Алкохолът не помага Промених д...
Lonely [Croatian translation]
[Maluma] Pet je ujutro i mislim na tebe Pitajući se što bi se dogodilo Dugo me nisi zvala Alkohol nije pomogao, da Čak su se i moje navike promijenile...
Lonely [English translation]
[Maluma] It's 5 AM and I'm thinking about you asking myself what happened as it's been a while since you called me Alcohol has not been helpful, I've ...
Lonely [Greek translation]
Είναι πέντε το χάραμα και 'γω σκέφτομαι εσένα. Αναρωτιέμαι τι να σου έχει συμβεί. Πάει καιρός που έχεις να μου τηλεφωνήσεις, το αλκοόλ δεν έχει βοηθήσ...
Lonely [Romanian translation]
[Maluma] E ora cinci dimineața și mă gândesc la tine (Skrrt) Mă întreb ce s-a întâmplat (Uh) Nu m-ai sunat de mult timp Alcoolul nu a ajutat, da Chiar...
Lonely [Russian translation]
[Maluma] Сейчас 5 утра, а я думаю о тебе Спрашиваю себя, что могло бы случиться Ты так долго мне не звонила Алкоголь не помог Даже мои привычки измени...
Lonely [Serbian translation]
(Малума) 5 ујутру је а ја размишљам о теби питам се шта ли се десило јер ме одавно ниси звала Алкохол ми није помогао чак сам и навике промијенио узим...
Llegaste lyrics
Tanto tiempo ya va caminando y me detengo a contemplarlo Tantas penas que el pañuelo tuve que cambiar mas de una vez Tengo marcas que nacieron de tant...
Llegaste [English translation]
So much time is already past and I pause to contemplate it So many pains that the handkerchief had to change more than once I have marks that were bor...
My House
Well the sun goes up and the sun goes down And it looks the same on both sides of town (Really not that different) Yeah I give them a kiss and I tuck ...
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