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Susanne Sundfør lyrics
Memorial [Arabic translation]
تعصف، تستعر النجوم تتفجر حربٌ كونية تشتد في السماء لكن جُل ما سمعته كان وداعك الأخير أتمنى أن تعود مجددًا مع أنني أعلم بأنك قاسِ القلب لأنك خلعت ثوبي ...
Memorial [Spanish translation]
Explotando, ardiendo estrellas estallando una guerra cósmica furiosa en el cielo, pero lo único que pude escuchar fue tu último adiós. Espero que regr...
O Master lyrics
Cats and crows are in your locker Eyeless Trapped in a dark room The tension is growing And they keep on knocking When are you going to give them bone...
Reincarnation lyrics
Do you believe in reincarnation? 'Cause I thought I saw your soul Flashing and dancing on the horizon Shades of jade and emerald Oh, I'm a bad girl 'c...
Reincarnation [Bosnian translation]
Da li ti vjeruješ u reinkarnaciju? Jer sam mislila da sam vidjela / ugledala tvoju dušu Kako se sjaji i pleše na horizontu Sjena žada i smaragda Oh, l...
Silencer lyrics
Here I stand, with the gun in my hand Waiting for, the water to calm The moonlight can barely paint An aquarelle of coral blue and red Like the colour...
Slowly lyrics
Please go slowly I wanna feel every move you make All the nightmares They will disappear as you come in Let's dance all night And you say it's gonna l...
Slowly [Turkish translation]
Lütfen yavaş ol Yaptığın her hareketi hissetmek istiyorum Bütün kabuslar Sen geldikçe kaybolup gidecekler Hadi bütün gece dans edelim Ve sonsuza kadar...
The Brothel lyrics
Purple pavement Crookfingers knocking on windows without souls Bodies are swinging from rooftops and poles Howling through hollows Restless nights and...
The Brothel [German translation]
Violetter Gehsteig Gekrümmte Finger pochen an Fenster ohne Seelen Körper schwingen von Dächern und Stangen herab Schreien durch Höhlen Schlaflose Näch...
The Brothel [Turkish translation]
Mor kaldırım Kırıkparmaklar cama vuruyor cansızca Bedenler sallanıyor çatılardan ve direklerden Boşluklardan gelen uğultular Uykusuz geceler ve tek ge...
The Silicone Veil lyrics
I’m a larva wrapped in silk i am dying in burning flesh let me out, let me ache let me out, let me ache and itch get me out of this suit i go to a fun...
Turkish Delight lyrics
Angels are lost in the sooted fog Of a million fallen dots on a disc of mud All the closets forgotten All the lakes are frozen Well if eternal winter,...
Undercover lyrics
Don't trust the ones who love you 'Cause if you love them back They'll always disappoint you It's just a matter of fact Don't love the ones who trust ...
Undercover [Bosnian translation]
Ne vjeruj onima koji te vole Jer ako ih voliš natrag Uvijek će te razočarati To je stvar činjenice Ne voli one koji ti vjeruju To jednostavno nije u t...
Undercover [German translation]
Vertraue nicht denjenigen, die dich lieben, Denn, wenn du ihre Liebe erwiderst, Werden sie dich immer enttäuschen Es ist einfach so Liebe nicht diejen...
Undercover [Russian translation]
Не доверяй тому, кто любит Коль дашь взаимность им Они всегда разочаруют Сей факт неоспорим Кто тебе верит, не люби ты Не по сердцу тебе Ты лишь дразн...
Undercover [Russian translation]
Не доверяй тем, кто любит тебя Потому, что если ты ответишь им тем же, Они всегда будут тебя разочаровывать. Это просто факт. Не люби тех, кто тебе до...
Undercover [Turkish translation]
Seni sevene güvenme Çünkü sen de onları seversen Seni her zaman hayal kırıklığına uğratacaklardır Bu sadece bir gerçek Sana güvenenleri sevme Sadece k...
When The Lord lyrics
Let me go back To when I was young Here, I was born Here, I will die lonesome Let there be light Let there be love Hear the bells Ringin' our song Wak...
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