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Lily Allen lyrics
Everyone's At It [Finnish translation]
En tiedä paljoa Mutta tämä on varmaa Tuo on aurinko Joka tökkii päätänsä ympäri verhoa Voimmeko nyt please lähteä Haluaisin mennä nyt nukkumaan Pelkkä...
Everyone's At It [Portuguese translation]
Eu não sei de muita coisa, Mas isso sei com toda clareza Esse é o Sol Metendo seu nariz pela cortina Agora, por favor, podemos ir embora Eu gostaria d...
Everyone's At It [Serbian translation]
Ne znam baš mnogo Ali sam sigurna, Da to sunce Isturi svoju glavu preko zavesa. Možemo li sada ići, Volela bih da sada odem u krevet. To nije zbog sun...
Everyone's At It [Turkish translation]
Ben çok şey bilmem, Ama bunu kesinkes biliyorum ki, Güneş, Perdenin kenarından kafasını çıkarıyor. Şimdi lütfen kalkabilir miyiz, Uyumak istiyorum art...
Everything To Feel Something lyrics
[Intro] I've tried everything Everything Everything To feel something But nothing [Verse 1] I feel it in my gut I'm gonna let you fuck me I know I'm b...
Everything's Just Wonderful lyrics
[Verse 1] Do you think Everything, everyone, is going mental? It seems to me we're spiralling outta control and it's inevitable Now don't you think Th...
Everything's Just Wonderful [French translation]
Ne penses-tu pas, Que tout le monde, partout, deviennent fous, Me semble que nous perdons, Les pedales, et c'est inévitable, Ne pense-tu pas, Cette he...
Everything's Just Wonderful [Russian translation]
Ты думаешь Всё и вся становятся сумасшедшими Мне кажется, что мы крутимся вокруг Выходим из контроля и это неизбежно Сейчас не думай, что Это время тв...
Fag Hag lyrics
I like apple pie And you like banoffee We both love shopping for furniture And meeting for coffee We pretend we're into art galleries 'Cause it makes ...
Fag Hag [Finnish translation]
Minä pidän omenapiirakasta Ja sinä banoffeesta Me molemmat rakastamme shoppailla huonekaluja Ja käydä kahvilla Teeskentelemme pitävämme taidegallerioi...
Fag Hag [French translation]
J’aime bien la tarte aux pommes Et toi, t’aimes bien les banoffees On adore tous les deux acheter des meubles Et se rencontrer pour un café On fait se...
Fag Hag [Spanish translation]
Me gusta la tarta de manzana Y a ti te gusta la tarta de plátano y tofe A ambos nos gusta comprar muebles Y quedar para tomar café Fingimos que nos in...
Family Man lyrics
[Verse 1] I know that you love me Though I'm young and stupid I am wild and ruthless You're better off without me I am more than selfish I am tired, I...
Family Man [Italian translation]
[Verso 1] So che mi ami Anche se sono giovane e stupida Sono selvaggia e senza principi Stai meglio senza di me Sono più che egoista Sono stanca, sono...
Family Man [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Sé que me quieres Aunque sea joven y estúpida Soy salvaje y despiadada Estás mejor sin mí Soy más que egoísta Estoy cansada, estoy indefensa...
Family Man [Turkish translation]
Beni sevdiğini biliyorum Genç ve aptal olsam da. Vahşi ve acımasızım Bensiz daha iyisin. Bencilden daha fazlasıyım Yorgunum, çaresizim Günün bir saati...
Friday Night lyrics
Ooo ooo ooo Ooo ooo ooo Friday night, last orders at the pub Get in the car and drive to the club There's a massive crowd outside so we get in to the ...
Friday Night [French translation]
Ooo ooo ooo Ooo ooo ooo Vendredi soir, derniers verres au pub Monter dans la voiture et conduire vers la boîte Il y a foule dehors, alors nous faisons...
Friend Of Mine lyrics
I don't want us to have a fight, But in the background I can hear you chatting shit, I hear it every night. And you think you're being really cool, Yo...
Friend Of Mine [Finnish translation]
En halua meidän riitelevän Mutta taustalla voin kuulla sinun selittävän paskaa Kuulen sen joka yö Ja luulet olevasi todella cool Olet tehnyt sitä siit...
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