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Lily Allen lyrics
22 [Spanish translation]
Cuando ella tenía 22 años su futuro se veía brillante Pero ahora ella ya tiene casi 30 y sale cada noche Yo veo esa mirada en su rostro ella tiene esa...
22 [Thai translation]
เมื่อตอนเธออายุ 22 อนาคตจะดูสดใส แต่เมื่อเธอย่างเข้าวัย 30 แล้ว เธอออกนอกบานทุกๆคืน ฉันเห็น ใบหน้าของเธอและแววตาของเธอ เธอกําลังครุ่นคิด ฉันมาถึงที่นี...
22 [Turkish translation]
22 yaşındayken geleceği parlak görünüyordu Ama şimdi neredeyse 30 yaşında ve her gece dışarı çıkıyor O bakışı yüzünde görüyorum, gözünde o bakış var B...
22 [Ukrainian translation]
Коли їй було 22 майбутнє виглядало яскраво Але зараз їй біля 30 і вона щоночі не вдома Я бачу той погляд у її обличчі, вона має його у своїх очах Вона...
Absolutely Nothing lyrics
I'm on the doorstep with my key turned in the door, Walk the livin room and you're side on my floor My heart is achin and i've never felt this bad I p...
Absolutely Nothing [Finnish translation]
I'm on the doorstep with my key turned in the door, Walk the livin room and you're side on my floor My heart is achin and i've never felt this bad I p...
Absolutely Nothing [Greek translation]
I'm on the doorstep with my key turned in the door, Walk the livin room and you're side on my floor My heart is achin and i've never felt this bad I p...
Absolutely Nothing [Portuguese translation]
I'm on the doorstep with my key turned in the door, Walk the livin room and you're side on my floor My heart is achin and i've never felt this bad I p...
Absolutely Nothing [Russian translation]
I'm on the doorstep with my key turned in the door, Walk the livin room and you're side on my floor My heart is achin and i've never felt this bad I p...
Absolutely Nothing [Spanish translation]
I'm on the doorstep with my key turned in the door, Walk the livin room and you're side on my floor My heart is achin and i've never felt this bad I p...
Air Balloon lyrics
Somebody remind me where I am Miami or Timbuktu? Did I ever tell you my uncle’s monkey ran away from the zoo? Would you tell me what this all means? W...
Air Balloon [Croatian translation]
Neka me netko podsjeti gdje sam Miami ili Timbuktu? Jesam li ti ikad rekla da je majmun mog ujaka pobjegao iz zoološkog? Hoćeš li mi reći što sve ovo ...
Air Balloon [Czech translation]
Někdo mi připomene, kde jsem Miami nebo Timbuktu? Řekl jsem ti někdy, že opice mého strýce utekla ze zoo? Řekl byste mi, co to všechno znamená? Co se ...
Air Balloon [French translation]
Quelqu’un, rappelez-moi où je suis Miami ou Tombouctou ? Je vous ai déjà raconté que le singe de mon oncle s’est enfui du zoo ? Est-ce que vous me dir...
Air Balloon [German translation]
Jemand erinnere mich wo ich bin Miami oder Timbuktu? Habe ich dir jemals erzählt, dass der Affe meines Onkels vom Zoo abgehauen ist? Würdest du mir sa...
Air Balloon [Greek translation]
Κάποιος να μου θυμίσει που βρίσκομαι Μαΐάμι ή Τιμπουκτού; Σου είπα ποτέ ότι η μαϊμού των θείων μου το έσκασε από το ζωολογικό κήπο; Θα μου πεις τι σημ...
Air Balloon [Portuguese translation]
Alguém me relembre onde eu estou, Miami ou Timbuktu? Eu já te contei que o macaco do meu tio fugiu do zoológico? Você me contaria o que tudo isso sign...
Air Balloon [Spanish translation]
Que alguien me recuerde dónde estoy ¿Miami o Timbuktu? ¿Alguna vez te conté que el mono de mi tío se escapó del zoo? ¿Me explicarías todo esto? ¿Que p...
Air Balloon [Turkish translation]
Biri bana nerede olduğumu hatırlatsın Miami ya da Timbuktu? Amcamın maymununun hayvanat bahçesinden kaçtığını hiç size söylemiş miydim? Tüm bunların n...
Alfie lyrics
Oooh deary me, My little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed I tell him he should get up 'cos it's nearly half past three He can't be bothered 'cos ...
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