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Asking Alexandria lyrics
Here I Am [Greek translation]
Δεν ντρέπομαι για τα σφάλματά μου Περπάτησα το μονοπάτι που έπρεπε να ακολουθήσω Με έκανε αυτόν που είμαι σήμερα Αυτή η βασιλεία του μίσους έχει λήξει...
Here I Am [Hungarian translation]
Nem szégyellem a hibáimat A saját utamat jártam Ez tett azzá aki most vagyok A bennem uralkodó harag véget ért Túl fogjuk tenni magunkat ezen most És ...
Here I Am [Italian translation]
Non mi vergogno dei miei errori Ho seguito il sentiero che presi Mi ha reso quello che sono oggi Questo di odio è finito Ora noi prenderemo il comando...
Here I Am [Turkish translation]
Hatalarımdan utanmıyorum. Almam gereken yolda yürüdüm, Bu bugünkü kişiliğimi oluşturdu. Bu nefretin egemenliği yaptım Bunu şimdi ele geçirmeye gidiyor...
Here's To Starting Over lyrics
I'm sick of tryin' be something that I'm never gonna be Tryin' to fit in a mold that wasn't meant for me I just wanna be free to let my mind do its th...
Hey There Mr. Brooks lyrics
[Intro: Danny Worsnop] Oh, you're back to me And the hunger returns! I told myself I was done for good! All the memories Of all the pictures burned! I...
Hey There Mr. Brooks [German translation]
[Intro: Danny Worsnop] Ach, du bist zu mir zurückgekehrt Und der Hunger kommt wieder hoch! Ich sagte mir Dass ich das hinter mir gelassen hatte! All d...
Hopelessly Hopeful lyrics
Staring eyes wide open Gazing into nothing Running in place again Going through the motions In and out as the oceans Repeating Numb to the silence, to...
Hopelessly Hopeful [Hungarian translation]
Meredt, tágra nyílt szemekkel A semmibe bámulva Egyhelyben ácsorgok újra Elvégezve a mozdulatokat Be és ki, ahogyan az óceán hullámai Ismétlődve Legyö...
House On Fire lyrics
Like a house on fire, like a house on fire Wage war on your preconceptions Of my exception to come What you rely on to give purpose to your lifelong d...
I Am One lyrics
I could hold you so close and never let you in I could feel you in my bones and never really feel a thing You can't climb inside my soul and hold on f...
I Am One [Italian translation]
Potrei tenerti cosí stretto e mai lasciarti entrare Potrei sentirti nelle ossa e non provare mai alcun sentimento Non puoi arrampicarti nella mia anim...
I Am One [Turkish translation]
Seni çok yakınımda tutabilir ve içeri almayabilirdim Seni kemiklerime kadar hissedip hiçbir şey hissetmeyebilirdim Ruhuma tırmanıp sonsuza kadar tutun...
I Don't Need You lyrics
You can't say I didn't try If I'm honest, I probably gave a little too much Been on the edge for a while 'Cause I promised that I would be, yeah You c...
I Used to Have a Best Friend [But Then He Gave Me an STD] lyrics
You said you'd cried a thousand times But I don't believe a word of it You loved it when my heart stopped So you start to listen Just stop and listen ...
I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps A Cowboy King lyrics
I see myself there waiting by the roadside Laid claim to nothing but a black bag and the attire I stand in. No name, No history, Just a target on my t...
I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps A Cowboy King [Croatian translation]
Mogu se zamisliti kako čekam uz cestu Polažem pravo na ništa osim crne torbe i odjeće u kojoj stojim. Bez imena, Bez prošlosti, Samo nišan na mom hram...
I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps A Cowboy King [Turkish translation]
Kendimi o yol kenarında beklerken görüyorum Siyah bir çanta ve içinde bulunduğum kıyafet dışında hiçbir şey istemedim. İsmim yok, Geçmişim yok, Sadece...
I won't give in lyrics
(x2:) Every breath you take I watch you slip away You're slowly killing yourself I won't give in If my heart could sing, would you stay? Would you sta...
I won't give in [Greek translation]
(x2:) Κάθε ανάσα που παίρνεις Σε κοιτάζω να ξεγλιστράς Σκοτώνεις σιγά-σιγά τον εαυτό σου Δε θα ενδώσω Αν η καρδιά μου μπορούσε να τραγουδήσει, θα έμεν...
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