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Peter Heppner lyrics
Reach for the stars [German translation]
Reach for the stars When you are alone by yourself Reach for the stars and you will touch them.. And the light of the dawn and the shadow in your face...
Suddenly lyrics
I don’t give a fuck What you say I don’t want to hear no lies From you today You wonder why you stand All alone But maybe you just reap What you’ve so...
Suddenly [German translation]
Mir ist es scheißegal was du sagst ich will heute von dir keine Lügen hören Du fragst dich, warum du ganz alleine dastehst Aber vielleicht reißt du ei...
Suddenly [Romanian translation]
Nu dau doi bani Pe ce spui Nu vreau să aud minciuni Din gura ta astăzi Te întrebi de ce eşti Complet singur Dar poate că doar culegi Roadele a ceea ce...
Twelve lyrics
They were twelve of the bravest men that I've ever seen They were waiting on a mountain top to defend their queen Against the rambling troops of bandi...
Twelve [German translation]
Es waren einmal zwölf der mutigsten Männer, die ich je gesehen habe Sie warteten auf einer Bergspitze, um ihre Königin zu verteidigen Gegen die weitlä...
Unloveable lyrics
I gave you trust and l I got betrayed Gave you my heart and you Threw it away It hurts so bad Hurts to be in love Why can't I be What you seek? I must...
Unloveable [German translation]
Ich vertraute dir und ich Ich wurde betrogen Gab dir mein Herz und du warfst es weg Es tut so weh Tut so weh, verliebt zu sein Warum kann ich nicht de...
Vorbei lyrics
Viel zu lang hast du gesucht Doch keinen Weg gefunden Du hast alles schon versucht Dich bis zum Schluss gewunden Bis du begreifst… Es ist vorbei Alles...
Vorbei [English translation]
"Way to long have you searched But never found a way You've already tried everything You withstood it all to the end Until you realize .. It's over It...
Vorbei [English translation]
Way to long have you searched But you didn't find a way You have tried everything But wind yourself til the end. Until you realize .. it's over. It's ...
Vorbei [Romanian translation]
Mult prea mult ai căutat, Însă n-ai găsit nicio cale Deja le-ai încercat pe toate, Te-ai rănit până în ultima clipă Până când ai înţeles... S-a termin...
Walter [london Or Manchester] lyrics
Hey you, come down and play Oh, I don't know, what can I say You know, there lies a day ahead We will enjoy and laugh like mad Wait just a second here...
Walter [london Or Manchester] [German translation]
Hey du, komm runter und spiel Oh, ich weiß nicht, was soll ich da sagen Du weißt da liegt ein ganzer Tag vor uns Wir werden Spaß haben und lachen wie ...
Peter Heppner - Was bleibt?
Eine ferne Stimme, die deinen Namen ruft, Sie zeigt uns den Weg, wir brechen auf. Letzter Außenposten vor der Nebelwand, Keiner weiß, was jetzt passie...
Was bleibt? [English translation]
A voice far away that calls out your name It shows us our way we break up Last outpost in front of the smoke wall, Nobody knows what happens now. Bold...
Was bleibt? [French translation]
Une voix lointaine qui t'appelle, elle nous montre la voie, et nous partons. Dernier avant-poste devant un mur de brouillard. Personne ne sait ce qui ...
Whenever I miss you lyrics
I would tell a thousand lies Swear each oath Even knowing otherwise I would doubt the obvious facts Betray myself if it lures you back... to me I woul...
Whenever I miss you [German translation]
Ich würde tausend Lügen erzählen Jeden Eid schwören Auch wenn ich weiß, dass ich sonst die offensichtlichsten Fakten anzweifeln würde Betrüge mich sel...
Wherever lyrics
Everything seems strange, fascinating, new So much different from what you're used to Such exciting flavours, amazing views Unlike anything that you o...
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