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Cody Simpson lyrics
La Da Dee [Serbian translation]
Не могу рећи да је ова песма Пицана за неког другог Када ниси у мом загрљају Почнем да лудим Molim vas neka mi neko doda naocari Ne dopustite im da me...
La Da Dee [Spanish translation]
No hay manera de decir que esta canción es acerca de alguien. Cada vez que no estás en mis brazos empiezo a perderme. Alguien que me pase mis lentes d...
La Da Dee [Thai translation]
ไม่มีทางที่จะบอกว่าเพลงนี้เกี่ยวข้องกับคนอื่น ทุกครั้งที่คุณ ไม่อยู่ในอ้อมแขนของฉัน ฉันเริ่มที่จะจิตใจเหม่อลอยคุมตัวเองไม่อยู่ ใครก็ได้ส่งแว่นกันแดดขอ...
La Da Dee [Turkish translation]
Bu şarkıyı söylemenin bir yolu yok Başka biri hakkında Kollarımda olmadığın her zaman Kendimi kaybetmeye başlarım Lütfen biri bana gözlüklerimi versin...
Cody Simpson - Love
*The thing about love, love, love It’ll make you do some crazy things The thing about love, love, love Is you know it when you feel it, feel it The th...
Love [Thai translation]
*The thing about love, love, love It’ll make you do some crazy things The thing about love, love, love Is you know it when you feel it, feel it The th...
New Problems lyrics
You used to say That all it takes is a dollar and a daydream, But now you'd do You'd do anything to deflate me When you were down and when you cried W...
New Problems [Azerbaijani translation]
Demişdin ki, Lazım olan dollar və Xəyaldır Amma indi sən Məni sındırmaq üçün hər şeyi edərsən Kefin olmayanda və Ağlayanda Yanında kim varıydi, əzizim...
New Problems [Thai translation]
เธอเคยบอกว่า มันก็แค่เงินเหรียญเดียว และเวลาฝันกลางวันที่ฉันจะเสียไป แต่พอมาตอนนี้ เธอกลับเป็นคนที่ทำมัน เธอทำทุกอย่างที่ทำให้ฉันไม่มีค่า เวลาที่เธอรู...
New Problems [Turkish translation]
Sen kullandığını söyledin Bütün aldığın dolar ve hayal Fakat şimdi sen yapabilirsin Beni düşürmek için hiçbir şey yapmıyorsun Sen düştüğünde ve ağladı...
Not Just You lyrics
Darling, I know your heart's seen better times. I know our songs had better rhymes. Before today, no... Darling, I guess I made the wrong mistakes. I ...
Not Just You [French translation]
Chérie, Je sais que ton cœur a connu des jours meilleurs. Je sais que nos chansons ont eu de meilleures rimes. Avant aujourd'hui, non... Chérie, Je cr...
Not Just You [Hungarian translation]
Drágám, Tudom, a szíved látott jobb időket. Tudom, hogy a dalaink is jobban rímel. A mai nap előtt, nem ... Drágám, Azt hiszem, tette a rossz hibákat....
Not Just You [Romanian translation]
Dragă Ştiu că inima ta a văzut timpuri mai bune. Ştiu că cântecelenoastre au avut ritmuri mai bune. Înainte de azi,nu... Dragă, Cred că am făcut greşe...
On My Mind lyrics
[Verse 1] I’m sleeping through the day I’m trying not to fade But every single night I’ve just been lying awake Cause I, I can’t get you off my mind T...
On My Mind [Finnish translation]
[säkeistö 1] Nukun läpi päivän Yritän olla katoamatta Mutta joka ainoa yö Olen vain maannut hereillä Koska minä, en saa sinua pois mielestäni Hetki jo...
On My Mind [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Je dors toute la journée J'essaie de ne pas t'oublier Mais tous les soirs Je passe mon temps couché Parce que je, je ne peux pas t'enlever...
On My Mind [Greek translation]
Κοιμάμαι όλη τη μέρα Προσπαθώ να μην λιποθυμήσω Αλλά κάθε βράδυ Μένω ξύπνιος Γιατί, δεν μπορώ να σε βγάλω από το μυαλό μου Όταν γνωριστήκαμε, δεν ήξερ...
On My Mind [Hungarian translation]
Alszom egész nap Próbálok nem elfakulni De minden este álmatlanul fekszem Mert nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből Abban a pillanatban mikor találkoztunk ne...
On My Mind [Turkish translation]
[1. Versiyon] Gün boyunca uyuyorum Karartmamaya çalışıyorum Ama bütün yalnız geceler Sadece uyanık yatar oldum Çünkü ben, seni aklımdan atamıyorum Tan...
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