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Milky Chance lyrics
Fado lyrics
[Verse 1] Colorful, colorful Hard to get painted black (Fado) Beautiful, beautiful Doesn't know maniac (Fado) Fragile soul, fragile soul (Fragile soul...
Fairytale lyrics
You are a fairy-tale Don't you wanna stay? You are a fairy-tale I hope that you don't run away We should run away I can hear them tapping on the groun...
Fairytale [Hungarian translation]
Egy tündérmese vagy Nem akarsz maradni? Egy tündérmese vagy Remélem nem szöksz el El kéne szöknünk Hallom a lépteik zaját a földön Hova akarunk menni?...
Fairytale [Turkish translation]
Sen bir peri masalısın Kalmak istemiyor musun? Sen bir peri masalısın umarım kaçmazsın Kaçmalıyız Yere vurduklarını duyabiliyorum. Nereye gitmek istiy...
Fallen lyrics
Just like the wave fits on the coast Just like a road knows where to go Well, have you ever seen the light Touch on the earth and make it right Just l...
Firebird lyrics
[Verse 1] There may be some but none like you We'll be understood 'cause you're the truth Give me a few more off to do Call is conquering the love for...
Firebird [German translation]
[Strophe 1] Es mag einige geben, aber keine wie dich Wir werden verstanden werden, denn du bist du die Wahrheit Gib mir etwas mehr zu tun Der Ruf erob...
Firebird [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Podrá haber algunas pero no como tú, nos entenderás porque eres la verdad. Dame algunas cosas más para hacer, el llamado conquista el amor p...
Firebird [Turkish translation]
Belki birileri var ama senin gibi değil Anlamış olacağız çünkü doğsu sensin Bana yapmam için birkaç tane daha ver İhtiyacın senin için aşkı galip geti...
Flashed Junk Mind lyrics
We were young souls on the junk-yard now we are stunned minds full of junk-goods but i feel your heartbeat just like mine i feel your heartbeat all th...
Flashed Junk Mind [French translation]
Quand on était de jeunes âmes Traînant à la décharge1, Désormais, nos esprits sont ailleurs Plein de ferrailles propres Mais je peux sentir ton coeur ...
Flashed Junk Mind [Hungarian translation]
Fiatal lelkek voltunk az ócskavastelepen Mostanra elkábultak lettünk tele ócska dolgokkal De én úgy érzem a szívverésed mint a sajátomat Érzem a szívv...
Flashed Junk Mind [Italian translation]
Eravamo giovani anime Nella discarica Ora siamo anime sbalordite Piene di beni spazzatura Ma sento il battito del tuo cuore Proprio come il mio Sento ...
Flashed Junk Mind [Romanian translation]
Am fost suflete tinere într-o curte cu deșeuri până acum trăind cu mintea buimăcită plini de lucruri vechi Dar eu simt bătăile inimii tale ca si pe al...
Flashed Junk Mind [Russian translation]
Мы были юными душами на мусорной свалке, теперь мы - оглушённые умы, битком набитые хламом*. Но я чувствую биение твоего сердца точно как своё. Я чувс...
Flashed Junk Mind [Slovenian translation]
Bili smo mlade duše na smetišču zdaj smo zadeti umi polni dobrot smeti a čutim tvoj utrip srca kot svoj čutim tvoj utrip ves čas In vezani smo bili na...
Flashed Junk Mind [Swedish translation]
Vi var unga själar på skräpgården Nu är vi överväldigade sinnen fulla av skräpsaker Men jag känner ditt hjärtslag precis som mina egna Jag känner dina...
Indigo lyrics
Where are you Where are you Come to me Where are you Where are you Where are you Come to me Where are you Where are you Where are you Come to me Where...
Indigo [Romanian translation]
Unde ești, Unde ești, Întoarce-te Unde ești? Unde ești, Unde ești, Întoarce-te Unde ești? Unde ești, Unde ești, Întoarce-te Unde ești? În nord la, Apu...
Long Run lyrics
I never wanted you to leave your seat dead This is just the way you feel I never wanted you to see the feelings Just step out of me I never wanted us ...
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