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Milky Chance lyrics
Doing Good [Turkish translation]
Seni sevimli çağıracağım. Şuan nasıl hissediyorsun? Her şeyin üstünde Sana bir şekilde aşık oluyorum. Birlikte yürümekten vazgeçemem Ama tek söylediği...
Don't Let Me Down lyrics
I've seen it risin', yeah, she got me shinin' Oh, she really did like no one ever did I've seen it fallin', yeah, she made the call And so much in bet...
Don't Let Me Down [Hebrew translation]
ראיתי את זה עולה, כן, היא גרמה לי לזרוח היא באמת עשתה לי מה שאף אחד אחר לעולם לא הצליח. ראיתי את זה צונח, כן, היא עשתה את השיחה ויש כל כך הרבה באמצע ש...
Down By The River lyrics
Down by the river I was drawn by your grace Into tempest of oblivion And to the lovers-place I was stucked in a puddle Full of tears and unwise Dark d...
Down By The River [Arabic translation]
أسفل بجانب النهر جرجرني جمالك إلى داخل إعصار النسيان و ملتقى العشاق إذ علقت في بركة ماء كثير الدموع و قليل العقل تصرفات مشبوهة الأن قد أدركت لماذا ندف...
Down By The River [Croatian translation]
Dolje uz rijeku Bio sam privučen tvojom profinjenošću U oluju zaborava I u mjesto ljubavnika Bio sam umočen u baru Punu suza i nepromišljenih Mračnih ...
Down By The River [French translation]
Le long de la rivière, Je me suis noyé dans ta grâce D'une tempête d'oublis Jusqu'à l'endroit où se retrouve les amoureux J'étais coincé dans une flaq...
Down By The River [Hungarian translation]
A folyó mentén lefele A kegyelmedből voltam rajzolva A feledés viharában És a szerelmesek helyéhez Egy tócsában ragadtam Könnyekkel és ostobasággal te...
Down By The River [Italian translation]
Giù lungo il fiume Sono stato attratto dalla tua grazia Nella tempesta dell'oblio E al posto degli amanti Ero bloccato in una pozzanghera Piena di lac...
Down By The River [Persian translation]
پایین رودخانه شکوه تو مرا با خود کشید به طوفان فراموشی و به محل عشاق من داخل یک گودال گیر کرده بودم پر از نادانی و اشک کارهای سیاه و اکنون می دانم که ...
Down By The River [Romanian translation]
Jos la râu Am fost tras de drăgălășenia ta În furtuna uitării Și spre locul iubiților Am fost băgat într-o băltoacă Plin de lacrimi și necugetat Acum ...
Down By The River [Spanish translation]
Río abajo Me sentí atraído por tu gracia En la tempestad del olvido Y para el lugar de los amantes Me he quedado atrapado en un charco Hechos oscuros ...
Down By The River [Swedish translation]
Nere vid floden Blev jag dragen till din skönhet Till en storm av glömska Och till älskarnas-ställe Jag var fast i en pöl Full av tårar och ovishet Ja...
Down By The River [Turkish translation]
Nehrin aşağı tarafında Zerafetine boğuldum Unutulmanın fırtınasına Ve sevenlerin mekanına Bir su birikintisine saplandım. Göz yaşından ve akılsızlıkta...
Down By The River [Turkish translation]
Nehirin aşağı tarafında, Ben senin zarafet tarafından çizilmiştim Bir fırtınanın halinde unutulup Ve severler-yerde Ben bir su birikintisinde saklanıp...
Down By The River [FlicFlac Edit] lyrics
Down by the river I was drawn by your grace Into depths of oblivion And to the lovers-place I was stucked in a puddle Full of tears and unwise Dark do...
Eden’s House lyrics
I burned my place with all I had I framed it like a photograph We glorify a golden age And all we do is fade away And even on a shining day Still I do...
Ego lyrics
Ego Chorus Ego, see your ego Ego, see your ego And I'm missing my miss of roses Holding my head up high and My head up high and I know that she is str...
Ego [Spanish translation]
Ego Coro Ego, veo tu ego Ego, veo tu ego Y estoy extrañando a mi señorita de las rosas Sosteniendo en alto mi cabeza y En alto mi cabeza y Sé que ella...
Ego [Swedish translation]
Ego, se ditt ego Ego, se ditt ego, oh oh Och jag missar min miss av rosor Håller upp mitt huvud högt och Upp mitt huvud högt Jag vet att hon är starka...
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