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Jason Walker lyrics
What If I Told You [Hungarian translation]
Mi lenne, ha elmondanám, Ki voltam valójában, Mi lenne ha tudnád, mi ez a színjáték? Mi lenne, ha elmondanám, Mi folyik itt valójában, Ha nem lenne tö...
What If I Told You [Romanian translation]
Ce ar fi dacă ţi-aş fi spus Cine am fost cu adevărat Ce ar fi dacă ţi-aş permite să intri în jocul meu Ce ar fi dacă ţi-aş fi spus Ce se întîmplă cu a...
What If I Told You [Serbian translation]
Šta ako bih ti rekao Ko sam ja zapravo Šta ako bih te pustio u svoju šaradu? Šta ako bih ti rekao Šta se zapravo događa Bez maski i uloga Toliko toga ...
What If I Told You [Spanish translation]
¿Qué pasaría si te dijera quien era yo realmente? ¿Qué pasaría si te dejara entrar a mi farsa? ¿Qué pasaría si te dijera que es lo que está pasando re...
What If I Told You [Turkish translation]
Ya söyleseydim Gerçekten kim olduğumu Ya oyunumda olmana izin verseydim? Ya söyleseydim Gerçekten ne olduğunu Oynanacak daha fazla bölüm ve maske yok ...
When the lights go down lyrics
It's time to say goodnight to another sunny day Let the shadow just wash away All your fear disappears When the darkness is around you Don't you know ...
Won't stop getting better lyrics
When I thought it couldn't get much better All the pieces seem to come together And every single star aligns Good to have a little piece of mind It ju...
You fill my heart lyrics
When I saw your face It was like a space In my heart was filled It's like I knew From the very start That you were every other part of me Chorus: And ...
You fill my heart [Italian translation]
Quando ho visto il tuo volto, è come se uno spazio del mio cuore fosse stato riempito. E' come se avessi saputo dal primo momento che tu eri l'altra p...
You're missing it lyrics
It's cold again And I do not know what to do I need a friend But all I really want is you Where have you been? I haven't seen you for so long I guess ...
You're missing it [Greek translation]
Κάνει κρύο πάλι Και δεν ξέρω τι να κάνω Χρειάζομαι ένα φίλο Αλλά αυτός που πραγματικά χρειάζομαι είσαι εσύ Πού είσαι; Δε σε έχω δει εδώ και τόσο καιρό...
You're missing it [Hungarian translation]
Újra hideg van, és nem tudom, mit kell tennem, Szükségem van egy barátra, de minden amit igazán akarok, az te vagy Hol voltál? Olyan sokáig nem láttal...
You're missing it [Persian translation]
دوباره هوا سرده و من نمی دونم باید چکار کنم من به یه دوست نیاز دارم اما چیزی که من واقعا می خوام تویی کجا بودی؟ من خیلی وقته ندیدمت حدس می زنم که رفتی...
You're missing it [Romanian translation]
E frig iar Şi nu ştiu ce să fac Am nevoie de un prieten Dar tu eşti tot ce-mi doresc cu adevărat Unde ai fost? Nu te-am văzut demult Cred că ai plecat...
You're missing it [Serbian translation]
Ponovo je hladno I ne znam šta da radim Potreban mi je prijatelj Ali ono što u stvari želim si ti Gde si bila? Nisam te video tako dugo Pretpostavljam...
You're missing it [Spanish translation]
Hace frío otra vez y no se que hacer necesito un amigo pero lo que realmente quiero es a ti ¿Dónde has estado? hace tanto tiempo que no te veo creo qu...
You're missing it [Turkish translation]
Yeniden soğuk Ve ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum Bir arkadaşa ihtiyacım var Ama gerçekten ihtiyacım olan tüm şey sensin Nerelerdesin ? Çok uzun zamandır seni...
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