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Jason Walker lyrics
Keep Me Watching [Italian translation]
Paralizzato, sono talmente stordito da non potermi muovere1 Non me l’aspettavo, ma ho la sensazione che tu sappia già che effetto mi fai Sei una bomba...
kiss me lyrics
Kiss me Out of the bearded barley Nightly Beside the green, green grass Swing, swing Swing the spinning step I wear those shoes and You will wear that...
kiss me [Romanian translation]
Sărută-mă Ieşind din orzul răsărit Noaptea Dincolo de iarba, iarba verde Leagănă, leagănă Leagănă pasul ce se roteşte Port pantofii ăştia şi Tu vei pu...
kiss me [Russian translation]
Поцелуй меня посреди ячменного поля Ночью, на зелёной траве, Подойдя ко мне своей головокружительной походкой. Надень те самые ботинки, а я надену то ...
Mindnight starlight lyrics
Midnight Starlight It’s dark and there are people everywhere It’s loud and there are noises in the air All around these buildings look so cold And the...
Mindnight starlight [Italian translation]
Midnight Starlight It’s dark and there are people everywhere It’s loud and there are noises in the air All around these buildings look so cold And the...
Mindnight starlight [Italian translation]
Midnight Starlight It’s dark and there are people everywhere It’s loud and there are noises in the air All around these buildings look so cold And the...
Seattle lyrics
Who else would be Calling me at 3 am Just to tell me You're still there The sky's still falling Tell me what you Need to hear this time to make it cou...
Seattle [German translation]
Wer sonst würde mich um 3 in der Nach anrufen Nur um mir zu sagen Dass du noch immer da bist und der Himmel noch immer fällt Sag mir was du diesmal hö...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye lyrics
After the silence, after the last words. Caught in the silence. Caught in between. After the madness. After the slow shock. Before the wave hits, the ...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [German translation]
Nach der stille, nach den letzten Worten Gefangen in der Stille. Gefangen im Dazwischen. Nach dem Wahnsinn. Nach dem kleinen Schock. Bevor die Welle s...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [Greek translation]
Μετά τη σιωπή, μετά τα τελευταία λόγια Παγιδευμένος στη σιωπή, παγιδευμένος στη μέση, μετά τη τρέλα Μετά το σιγανό σοκ Πριν το κύμμα χτυπήσει, η πλυμμ...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [Hungarian translation]
A csend után, az utolsó szavak után Rád talál a csendben.Rád talál az átmenetben. Az őrület után A lassú megdöbbenés után Mielőtt elér a hullám, elönt...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [Italian translation]
Dopo il silenzio, dopo le ultime parole. Bloccato nel silenzio. Bloccato in mezzo. Dopo la follia, dopo il lento shock. Prima che le onde colpiscano, ...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [Romanian translation]
Dupa liniste, dupa ultimele cuvinte. Prins in tacere. Prins la mijloc. Dupa nebunie. Dupa lentul soc. Inainte ca valul sa loveasca, potopul da navala....
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [Russian translation]
После молчания, после сказанных слов, Остаешься в тишине - промежуточный вариант: После того, как чуть не сошел с ума, после шока, Идет высокая волна,...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [Serbian translation]
Posle tišine, posle zadnjih reči Uhvaćen u tišini. Uhvaćen u sredini. Posle ludila Posle sporog šoka Pre nego što talas udari, poplava brzo dođe Ovo j...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [Spanish translation]
Luego del silencio, de las últimas palabras. Atrapado en el silencio. Atrapado en el medio. Luego de la locura. Luego del golpe lento. Antes de que la...
Shouldn't be a good in goodbye [Turkish translation]
Sessizlikten sonra, son kelimelerden sonra. Sessizlikte tutuklu. Arada tutuklu. Delilikten sonra. Yavaş şoktan sonra. Dalga vurmadan, sel israrla basa...
What If I Told You lyrics
What if I told you Who I really was What if I let you in on my charade? What if I told you What was really going on No more masks and no more parts to...
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