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Voltaj lyrics
Crede [German translation]
Glaube an das Gras das aus dem Schnee herauswächst, Glaube an die Liebe die nie vergehen wird, Glaube an Feen und vergiss die Drachen, Glaube an die W...
Crede [Italian translation]
Credi nell'erba che esce dalla neve Credi nell'amore che non se ne andrà Credi nelle fate dimenticati degli orchi Credi nei desideri esauditi per tre ...
Crede [Polish translation]
Uwierz w trawę, która wyrasta spod śniegu Uwierz w miłość, która nie odejdzie Uwierz we wróżki i zapomnij o smokach Uwierz w życzenia, które spełniają...
Crede [Russian translation]
Верь в траву, что восходит из-под снега, Верь в любовь, что не уйдёт, Верь в фею и забудь о драконе, Верь в желания, исполняемые на счёт "три" , Верь,...
Cu tine lyrics
I: Long legs, short skirt, big breast, fairy eyes I fell in love with her But she started to babble, to phase me, to tell me That I don't do enough fo...
Cu tine [English translation]
I: Long legs, short skirt, big breast, fairy eyes I fell in love with her But she started to babble, to phase me, to tell me That I don't do enough fo...
Cu tine [German translation]
I: Long legs, short skirt, big breast, fairy eyes I fell in love with her But she started to babble, to phase me, to tell me That I don't do enough fo...
Cu tine [Russian translation]
I: Long legs, short skirt, big breast, fairy eyes I fell in love with her But she started to babble, to phase me, to tell me That I don't do enough fo...
Dă vina pe... Voltaj lyrics
Dă vina pe… Difuzor, că nu m-auzi mai tare, Dă vina pe… Beat-ul asta, că te ține în picioare, Dă vina pe… Berea care nu se-oprește să mai curgă, Dă vi...
Dă vina pe... Voltaj [English translation]
Blame... The loudspeaker, that you don't hear me better, Blame... This beat, for it keeps you on your feet, Blame... The beer that won't stop flowing,...
Dă vina pe... Voltaj [French translation]
Culpabilise... le haut-parleur, parce que tu ne m'entends pas plus fort, Culpabilise... ce rhytme, qui te reste dans les jambes, Culpabilise... la biè...
Dă vina pe... Voltaj [German translation]
Schuld ist... der Lautsprecher, dass du mich nicht besser hören kannst. Schuld ist... der Beat, der dich auf den Füßen hält. Schuld ist... das Bier, d...
Dă vina pe... Voltaj [Hungarian translation]
Hibáztasd .... A hangszórót, hogy nem hallasz hangosabban, Hibáztasd .... A ritmust, hogy lábon tart, Hibáztasd .... A sört, ami továbbfolyik Hibáztas...
Dă vina pe... Voltaj [Italian translation]
Dai la colpa alla... Cassa, che non mi senti più forte, Dai colpa a... Questo beat, che ti tiene in piedi, Dai la colpa alla... Birra che non si ferma...
Dă vina pe... Voltaj [Russian translation]
Вини.. Громкоговоритель, в том, что ты меня не слышишь Вини.. Ритм, в том, что я твёрдо стою на ногах Вини.. Это пиво, что не перестаёт течь Вини.. Эт...
De ce lyrics
de ce sa uiti sa te bucuri.. daca odata, lacrimi ai varsat de ce sa nu crezi in iubire.. daca odata, ai fost inselat. de ce sa renunti la vise.. daca ...
De ce [English translation]
Why forget to be happy.. If once, you spilled tears? Why not believe in love? If once, you were fooled Why fall in your dreams If the one, didn't come...
De ce [French translation]
Pourquoi oublier de te réjouir si un jour tu as versé des larmes? Pourquoi ne plus croire en l'amour si un jour, tu as été trompée? Pourquoi renoncer ...
De ce [German translation]
Warum solltest vergessen, fröhlich zu sein wenn du einmal Tränen vergossen hast? Warum solltest du nicht an die Liebe glauben wenn du einmal betrogen ...
De ce [Turkish translation]
Neden mutlu olmayı unutuyorsun Eğer bir kere gözyaşı döktüysen Neden aşka inanmıyorsun Eğer bir kere yanıldıysan Neden düşlerinden vaz geçiyorsun Eğer...
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