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Mark Knopfler lyrics
Rüdiger [Serbian translation]
Rudiger stoji na kiši i snegu Kolekcionar autograma Imena na fotografijama Lica ljudi svima poznatih Rudiger živi sam u stanu Kofer i naočare Čudan i ...
Rüdiger [Ukrainian translation]
Рудіґер стоїть під дощем та під снігом Колекціонер автографів Імен на фотографіях Облич людей, відомих усім Рудіґер живе у помешканні сам Портфель та ...
Sailing To Philadelphia lyrics
I Am Jeremiah Dixon I Am A Geordie Boy A Glass Of Wine With You, Sir And The Ladies I'll Enjoy All Durham And Northumberland Is Measured Up By My Own ...
Sailing To Philadelphia [German translation]
Ich bin Jeremiah Dixon, Ich bin ein Geordie-Boy. Ein Glas Wein mit Ihnen, Sir, Und die Damen werde ich genießen. Ganz Durham und Northumberland Sind v...
Sailing To Philadelphia [Hungarian translation]
Jeremiah Dixon vagyok Egy Geordie (1) fiú Egy üveg bor veled uram, És a hölgyekkel, akik el fognak szórakoztatni Egész Durhamet és Northumberlandet Sa...
Sailing To Philadelphia [Spanish translation]
Soy Jeremiah Dixon1, un chico de Tyneside2. Una copa de vino con usted, señor, y disfrutaré de las señoras. He medido todo Durham3 y Northumberland4 c...
Sands of Nevada lyrics
These tables are haunted By the ghosts of Las Vegas Their chips were once mountains But they came here to play They could take me if they wanted But I...
Secondary Waltz lyrics
The school Christmas party is coming, We ain't doing rugby no more. McIntyre's teaching us waltzing Out on the gymnasium floor, Out on the gymnasium f...
Silver Eagle lyrics
It was so late and she’d be sleeping He came through her home town With the moonlight on the crossroads And the green light shining down And the bell ...
Silver Eagle [German translation]
Es war schon sehr spät, und sie würde sicherlich schon schlafen Er kam durch ihre Heimatstadt Während der Mond auf die Kreuzung schien Und das grüne A...
Silvertown Blues lyrics
On Silvertown way, the cranes stand high Quiet and gray against the still of the sky, They won't quit and lay down though the action has died, They wa...
Silvertown Blues [Turkish translation]
Silvertown yolunda, vinçler yüksek durumda Gökyüzünün durgunluğuna karşı sessiz ve gri Eylem bittiği halde istifa etmeyecekler ve bırakmayacaklar Blac...
So Far From The Clyde lyrics
They had a last supper the day of the beaching. She's a dead ship sailing, skeleton crew, The galley is empty, the stove pots are cooling What's left ...
So Far From The Clyde [German translation]
Sie hatten ein letztes Abendmahl am Tag der Strandung. Sie ist ein totes Schiff mit einer Restbesatzung Die Kombüse ist leer, in den Kochtöpfen kühlt ...
Song For Sonny Liston lyrics
So many mouths To feed on the farm Sonny was the second To the last one born His mamma ran away And his daddy beat him bad And he grew up wild Good lo...
Speedway at Nazareth lyrics
After two thousand came two thousand and one. To be the new champions, we were there for to run, From springtime in Arizona, 'til the fall in Monterey...
The Car Was the One lyrics
In summer '63 I was staying alive, Hanging at the races, hoping to drive. When they were done with the weekend and loading the cars, I couldn't get a ...
The Fish And The Bird lyrics
When I gave my heart to a tinker boy He said a fish could love a swallow And I will go with my travelling man Wherever he goes I will follow He will m...
The Fish And The Bird [French translation]
Quand j’ai donné mon cœur à un garçon rétameur Il a dit qu’un poisson pouvait aimer une hirondelle Et j’irai avec mon homme voyageur Partout où il va,...
The Fish And The Bird [Ukrainian translation]
Коли я віддала своє серце хлопцю-лудильнику Він сказав, що риба може покохати ластівку І я піду зі своїм мандрівним чоловіком Куди б він не пішов, я п...
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