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Ruth Lorenzo lyrics
Good Girls Don't Lie [Hungarian translation]
Egész kiskoromtól kezdve tanulom a rosszat, talán megváltóra várok, de nem akarom, hogy megmentsenek. Nem akarod hallani az igazat, nem akarod hallani...
Good Girls Don't Lie [Italian translation]
Ho conosciuto problemi fin dalla più tenera età Dovrei trovare un salvatore ma non voglio essere salvata Non vuoi sentire la verità, non vuoi sentire ...
Good Girls Don't Lie [Spanish translation]
Aprendí que eran los problemas desde que era muy pequeña Podría estar buscando un salvador, pero no quiero ser salvada No quieres escuchar la verdad, ...
Good Girls Don't Lie [Turkish translation]
Çok erken bir yaşta öğrendim belayı Bir kurtarıcı arıyor olabilirim ama kurtarılmak istemiyorum Sen gerçeği duymak istemiyorsun, sen gerçeği duymak is...
Loveaholic lyrics
[Verse 1] I'm so uninspired Tell me how long 'til we meet again 'Cause how I long to get you undressed Let's just get right down to it [Verse 2] And i...
Loveaholic [Italian translation]
[Strofa 1] Mi manca proprio l'ispirazione dimmi tra quanto ti rivedrò perché non hai idea di quanto voglia toglierti i vestiti di dosso passiamo diret...
Loveaholic [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Estoy tan poco inspirada Dime cuánto queda hasta que nos veamos de nuevo Porque cuando anhelo ser quitarte la ropa Vayamos directos al grano...
Loveaholic [Turkish translation]
[Dize 1] Çok meşgulüm. Tekrar karşılaşmak için ne kadar zamanımız var? Çünkü seni soymak için ne kadar çok zaman harcadım Hemen konuya girelim. [Dize ...
Miedo lyrics
Querido miedo, Te conozco tan bien.. Has dormido en mi cama Rascado mi espalda Me has hablado al oído Querido miedo, Sabes bien como yo Que cuando cal...
Miedo [Croatian translation]
Dragi strahu, poznajem te toliko dobro spavao si u mome krevetu češkao si me po leđima šaptao na uho Dragi strahu, znaš jako dobro kao i ja da kada šu...
Miedo [Dutch translation]
Liefste angst, Ik ken je zo goed.. Je hebt in mijn bed geslapen Mijn rug gekrabd Je hebt in mijn oor gefluisterd Liefste angst, Je weet goed, net als ...
Miedo [English translation]
Dear fear, I know you so well... You've slept on my bed You've scratched my back You've spoken in my ear Dear fear, You know as well as I do That my s...
Miedo [Swedish translation]
Kära rädsla, Jag känner dig så bra... Du har sovit i min säng Kliat mig på ryggen Du har viskat i mitt öra Kära rädsla, Du vet lika väl som jag Att nä...
Moscas muertas lyrics
[Verse 1] Si te vas recuerda cerrar bien la puerta No te olvides vaciar los rincones Si te vas no dudes, encontrarás moscas muertas Habré tejido telar...
Moscas muertas [Dutch translation]
[Strofe 1] Als je weggaat, denk eraan de deur goed te sluiten Vergeet niet de hoeken op te ruimen Als je weggaat, wees maar zeker, je zal dode vliegen...
Moscas muertas [English translation]
[Verse 1] If you go, remember to close the door properly Don't forget to empty out the corners If you go, you can be sure, you'll find dead flies I'll...
My Last Song lyrics
[Verse 1] If this was my last song Would you know that it's for us? Would you recognise the words I'm gonna sing? Would you ever let it stop? [Verse 2...
My Last Song [Hungarian translation]
[Verse 1] Ha ez lenne az utolsó dalom, akkor tudnád, hogy értünk szól? Felismernéd a szavakat, amiket éneklek? Hagynád, hogy véget érjen? [Verse 2] Ha...
Noche en Blanco lyrics
Sentada a la orilla Pude contemplar El atardecer, Su color azul Y la arena blanca. Sentada a la orilla Pude admirar Cómo el tiempo pasa, Las nubes pas...
Noche en Blanco [English translation]
Sitting in the seashore I could contemplate The sunset, Its blue color And the white sand. Sitting in the seashore I could admire How time goes by, Th...
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