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Brooke Hogan lyrics
My Space [Czech translation]
Zpočátku, zpočátku jsem tě provedla Ale nejsi zvyklý na dívku jako já Sleduji tě V podstatě jsem věděla, že potencionálně Bysme to navinuli spolu Nako...
Never let you down lyrics
You can come hold me anyday any single way I know this for sure I don't know why she hurt you What a pitaful thing to do to someone like you I know yo...
Never let you down [Czech translation]
You can come hold me anyday any single way I know this for sure I don't know why she hurt you What a pitaful thing to do to someone like you I know yo...
Next Time lyrics
Oh I'm just lookin' for a guy That's got some of a every little thing I want Not try to play with my mind I hope you do better next time Oh I'm just l...
Next Time [Czech translation]
Oh, prostě hledám kluka Je to něco z každé maličkosti, jíž chci Nesnaž se hrát s mou myslí Doufej, že to uděláš příště lépe Oh, prostě hledám kluka Je...
One Sided Love lyrics
Sit down for a minute I need you to listen My heart is only tryin' to understand I already stumbled and fell into your love Like a castle falling in t...
One Sided Love [Czech translation]
Sedni si na chvilku Potřebuji, aby si mě poslouchal pouze mé srdce se to snaží pochopit Už jsem se přehmátla a spadla do tvé lásky Jako když hrad spad...
One That Got Away lyrics
[Spoken:] Yeah This is for all those people That don't understand The kinda love I have for him There's some things you just can't change Just can't f...
One That Got Away [Czech translation]
Mluvené: Yeah tohle je pro všechny tyhle lidi, Kteří nerozumějí Druhu lásky, jíž mám pro něj Jsou tam některé věci, které prostě nemůžete změnit Ani n...
Out of my life lyrics
... Is coming over me But baby you got hold me ... it's like How the hell I've been good for you, Who... give what you need, everything you need Now.....
Out of my life [Czech translation]
... Is coming over me But baby you got hold me ... it's like How the hell I've been good for you, Who... give what you need, everything you need Now.....
Redemtion lyrics
They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop T...
Redemtion [Czech translation]
They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop us They can't stop T...
Ride The WAV lyrics
(Verse 1) Up Pin me down to the ground Grab my hair and spin it round The only one that I'm down for He always knows that I’m around for (Hook) Contro...
Ride The WAV [Czech translation]
(Verse 1) Up Pin me down to the ground Grab my hair and spin it round The only one that I'm down for He always knows that I’m around for (Hook) Contro...
Ruff me up lyrics
Yeah, Woah Baby you don't know the girl that's comin out of me I don't recognize this love, I want it ruff ya see Boy you know we love each other, alw...
Ruff me up [Czech translation]
Yeah, prrr, Lásko, neznáš dívku, jež vychází ze mě neuznávám tuhle lásku, Chci to okroží, jak vidíš Chlapče, víš, že se milujeme navzájem, vždy popros...
Slide Show lyrics
Flashing lights, the tensions high What have I got myself in to? So exposed the life I chose, but I know what I gotta do Put my game face on now that ...
Slide Show [Czech translation]
Flashing lights, the tensions high What have I got myself in to? So exposed the life I chose, but I know what I gotta do Put my game face on now that ...
Slow down lyrics
Baby boy why you walking away? Don't act like you can't talk to me Pump the breaks it's a red light Wanna know what your doing tonight Don't let the s...
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