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Brooke Hogan lyrics
Don't Stop This Now [Czech translation]
Didn't know at the time that I hurt you Never meant anything but to love you Wanna kiss wanna hug wanna hold you But your mad at me Hoping we still go...
Everything To Me lyrics
[Verse 1] You wanna go, And as you open up the door, You change your mind, I'm not something to leave behind, You'll never know, All these things I fe...
Everything To Me [Czech translation]
Chceš odejít, A jak otevřeš dveře, tak změníš mysl, Nejsem něco, co bys nechal za sebou Nikdy nevíš, že všechny tyhle věci cítím uvnitř, Chci to ukáza...
Ex-boyfriend lyrics
[Verse 1:] Once I carved you're name on a wall next to mine. Put a heart around it, and an arrow through it that's how much I cared. And we swore that...
Ex-boyfriend [Czech translation]
[Verse 1:] Once I carved you're name on a wall next to mine. Put a heart around it, and an arrow through it that's how much I cared. And we swore that...
Extraordinary Day lyrics
Oh today, will you please be A different way then you are usally Hey today, will you stand out Or will you take the same ol route Color the skies Four...
Extraordinary Day [Czech translation]
Oh today, will you please be A different way then you are usally Hey today, will you stand out Or will you take the same ol route Color the skies Four...
Finish line lyrics
Hey Hey Oh oh Hey Oh oh oh Hey Hey Hey Fly with me I won't let, I won't let you down Try me and I can say I won't let you down Come with me away with ...
Finish line [Czech translation]
Hey Hey Oh oh Hey Oh oh oh Hey Hey Hey Poleť se mnou, Nenechám tě klesnou 2*, Vyzkoušej si mě a potom můžu říct, že tě nenechám na holičkách, Nikdy tě...
Finish line [Czech translation]
Hele, hele Oh, oh Hele oh, oh, oh Hele, hele, hele Poleť se mnou Ne, nenechám tě na holičkách Zkoušíš mě a mohu říct, že tě nenechám na holičkách Odej...
Fly Away lyrics
Edit Song Facts [Verse 1] A lucky me is nothing new I open up my fridge (Dang, I'm out of orange juice!) I run my fingers through my hair And I tell m...
Fly Away [Czech translation]
Edit Song Facts [Verse 1] A lucky me is nothing new I open up my fridge (Dang, I'm out of orange juice!) I run my fingers through my hair And I tell m...
For A Moment lyrics
Lately I've been thinking about the ups & downs We've been through together and how we almost lost our ground We held on long enough to see all the go...
For A Moment [Czech translation]
Nedávno, jsem přemýšlela o vzestupech a pádech, Skoncovali jsme to spolu a jak jsme téměř opustili svou zem Čekali jsme dlouho, abychom viděli vše dob...
Girlfriend lyrics
[Intro] Now did you know I lose it when you're looking at me Passing cause you're something that I just can't get enough of I wanna show what you don'...
Girlfriend [Czech translation]
Teď si věděl, že postrádám, když na mě hledíš, Míjím, protože jsi něco, z čeho se zkrátka nemohu dostat, Chci ukázat, co ani nevíš, když chybíš, Rty v...
Girls Get Ya Boys lyrics
I know you like that, yeah You Know you want it Come and get it [Verse 1:] Can I get what I want, when I really want it Take It Down Pull you Up, When...
Girls Get Ya Boys [Czech translation]
I know you like that, yeah You Know you want it Come and get it [Verse 1:] Can I get what I want, when I really want it Take It Down Pull you Up, When...
Handcuffed lyrics
Oh baby tie me up Cause I'm in love with you Hancuffed Tie me up Cause I'm in love with you You got me handcuffed Locked up cardiac arrest baby Cause ...
Handcuffed [Czech translation]
Oh, lásko, přivaž mě Protože jsem do tebe zamilovaná spoutaná Přivaž mě Protože jsem do tebe zamilovaná Spoutal si mě Zamkl si srdeční zástavu, lásko ...
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