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Brooke Hogan lyrics
Calls Sobe [Skit] lyrics
[Hulk:] Come on tubbs pick the phone up brother Ok angelic somebody, somebody at sobe pick the phone up [Girl:] Sobe entertainment [Hulk:] Oh so final...
Calls Sobe [Skit] [Czech translation]
[Hulk:] Come on tubbs pick the phone up brother Ok angelic somebody, somebody at sobe pick the phone up [Girl:] Sobe entertainment [Hulk:] Oh so final...
Caught lyrics
Is it the moon, as full as it is That's making me feel in love like this I can't resist, what I feel inside of me Can't let it hide in me, no no no I ...
Caught [Czech translation]
Is it the moon, as full as it is That's making me feel in love like this I can't resist, what I feel inside of me Can't let it hide in me, no no no I ...
Certified lyrics
I can tell you see what you're liken' This body-ody Fought to hard and im Fadin' to blink Im feelin' like im ready to strike at This party-arty Boy im...
Certified [Czech translation]
Nemohu ti říct, k čemu si přirovnán Tohle tělo-tělo Jsem vybojovala za těžko a Mizím, abych blikala Cítím se jako že čtu, abych udeřila na Tuhle párty...
Chevrolet lyrics
It ain't the way that it drives or it rides down the highway Four wheels of freedom just eating up the fast lane Small block, rocking like a sold out ...
Chevrolet [Czech translation]
It ain't the way that it drives or it rides down the highway Four wheels of freedom just eating up the fast lane Small block, rocking like a sold out ...
Crazy Love lyrics
You're gonna miss that crazy love (you're gonna miss that) You're gonna miss my sexy body (crazy lovin baby) I tried to love you I backed up off you D...
Crazy Love [Czech translation]
Chybí ti ta bláznivá láska (chybí ti to) Chybí ti mé sexy tělo (bláznivé milování, zlato) snažila jsem se tě milovat Vzhůru jsem ti vycouvala Nepřepln...
Daddys little girl lyrics
I am in your live love and custody And when I'm not you still can trust in me I need your arms to cover me but not smuther me You can not shelter me f...
Daddys little girl [Czech translation]
I am in your live love and custody And when I'm not you still can trust in me I need your arms to cover me but not smuther me You can not shelter me f...
Dance Alone lyrics
There ya go On your own Standin' up against the wall I hear the music callin' you It's callin' me Don't think that we should stall It's in your eyes I...
Dance Alone [Czech translation]
Jdeš tam Sám Postávám proti zdi slyším hudbu, tebe Volá mě to nemyslíš si, že bychom to měli bloknout Je to v tvých očích Mohu vidět, že Chceš se zept...
Dear Mom... lyrics
Yeah It's such a shame When someone you were born to love Isn't that person anymore This one's for you I love you, But you gotta change When you said ...
Dear Mom... [Czech translation]
Yeah To je taková škoda Když si se někomu narodila, abys milovala už to není ta osoba tohle je někdo pro tebe miluji tě, Ale musíš to změnit Když si ř...
Dear Mom... [Greek translation]
Ναι Είναι τόσο κρίμα Όταν γεννήθηκες για κάποιον να αγαπάς Δεν είναι πλέον αυτό το άτομο Αυτό είναι για σένα Σ'αγαπώ Άλλα πρέπει να αλλάξεις Όταν είπε...
Do it with you lyrics
Butterflies are multiplying Still have from our last night and Don't look like you're gonna wear off soon You sure know what you're doing I'm tryna pl...
Do it with you [Czech translation]
Butterflies are multiplying Still have from our last night and Don't look like you're gonna wear off soon You sure know what you're doing I'm tryna pl...
Don't Stop This Now lyrics
Didn't know at the time that I hurt you Never meant anything but to love you Wanna kiss wanna hug wanna hold you But your mad at me Hoping we still go...
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