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Gogol Bordello lyrics
Malandrino lyrics
My birth I can hardly remember But I remember from the start My midwives looking at each other "Wow, this boy is born with singing heart" All doors fo...
Malandrino [Italian translation]
La mia nascita la ricordo a fatica Ma ricordo che all'inizio Le mie ostetriche guardandosi l'un l'altra: "Wow, questo ragazzo è nato col cuore che can...
My Companjera lyrics
We stepped together in the river We traded fever on turmoil Last time I saw you was in the middle I wonder if you hit the soil Where are you now my co...
My Gypsy Auto Pilot lyrics
I came back to my hometown incognito To forget about it all Suddenly, I heard "hey there papito-pito-pito You don't ever give a call" whapba bup bup b...
Not A Crime lyrics
Drop the charges! The fire and the power, you know?! (In the old time it was not a crime, drop the charges, You people don't you realize the sun rises...
Pala Tute lyrics
caravan is comin' all guitars are strummin' chief is sitting high with gold across the chest i'm just a little chavo i don't even own a guitar but mam...
Pala Tute [Portuguese translation]
caravana está chegando, todas as guitarras estão tocando chefe está sentado alto com ouro pelo peito eu sou apenas um pequeno rapaz eu nem sequer poss...
Pala Tute [Russian translation]
Табор наш приходит, Звон гитар заводит. И барон над всеми Золотом горит. А я цыганёнок, Без своей гитары. Но зато девчонка, На руках сидит. Лэла, лэла...
Pala Tute [Serbian translation]
Караван стиже Све гитаре вриште Газда седи високо Кајла око врата Ја сам само ситна риба немам чак ни гитару али мама они имају девојку за којом сам о...
Pala Tute [Turkish translation]
Karavan yaklaşıyor Gitarlar tıngırdıyor Şef göğsünde madalyalarla Tahtında oturuyor Ben küçük oğlanın tekiyim Bir gitarım bile yok! Ama anneler bayıld...
Pala Tute [Turkish translation]
Karavan geliyor, Tüm gitarlar çalınıyor Şef göğsünde altınla Yüksekte oturuyor Ben küçük bir adam değilim Bir gitarım bile yok Ama annelerinin en sevd...
Roaring 2020s [RenaiDance] lyrics
We never knew (we never knew) the Spanish flu (the Spanish flu)1 of 1919. But what we know not so far off, and we are ready for pay off, for the Roari...
Sacred Darling lyrics
I am so glad you stuck true to your obsessions and filed rest of questions under "false" I am so glad you never took their offers I am so glad you nev...
Sacred Darling [German translation]
Ich bin so froh dass du deiner Besessenheit treu geblieben bist und den Rest der Fragen und "falsch" abgelegt hast Ich bin so froh dass du nie ihre An...
Sally lyrics
Sally was a fifteen year old girl from Nebraska Gypsies were passing through her little town They dropped something on the road, she picked it up... A...
Sally [Polish translation]
Sally była piętnastoletnią dziewczyną z Nebraski Cyganie przejeżdżali przez jej małe miasteczko Upuścili coś na drodze, podniosła to... A rewolucja ku...
Start wearing purple lyrics
Start wearing purple wearing purple Start wearing purple for me now All your sanity and wits they will all vanish I promise, it's just a matter of tim...
Start wearing purple [Croatian translation]
Počni nositi ljubičasto, nositi ljubičasto Počni nositi ljubičasto za mene, sada Sav tvoj razum i pamet, sve će to nestati Obećavam, to je samo pitanj...
Start wearing purple [Italian translation]
Inizia vestendo di viola Inizia vestendo di viola per me a partire da subito Tutta la tua sanità mentale e il tuo ingegno svaniranno tutti Te l'assicu...
Start wearing purple [Portuguese translation]
Comece a vestir roxo vestir roxo Comece a vestir roxo pra mim agora Toda a sua sanidade e juízo vão desaparecer Eu prometo, é só uma questão de tempo....
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