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The Fray lyrics
How to Save a Life [Vietnamese translation]
Bước một, cậu bảo rằng chúng ta cần nói chuyện Cậu ấy rảo bước, cậu bảo rằng ngồi xuống đi chỉ là một cuộc trò chuyện nhỏ thôi mà Cậu ấy mỉm cười thật...
Hundred lyrics
The how I can't recall But i'm staring at What once was the wall Separating east and west Now they meet admidst The broad daylight So this is where yo...
Hundred [German translation]
An das "Wie" kann ich mich nicht erinnern Aber ich starre auf was einmal die Mauer war die Ost und West trennte Jetzt treffen sie sich unter dem helle...
Hundred [Serbian translation]
Kako se to desilo ne mogu da se setim Ali zurim u Ono što je nekad bio zid Koji je delio istok i zapad Oni se sada susreću u sred Bela dana Znači ti s...
Hurricane lyrics
She's so fierce and full of that fire What's a boy to do? She yells and I crumble She's got the power She's barely five foot two She's a hurricane (Hu...
Hurricane [French translation]
Elle est tellement féroce et enflammée, Que doit faire le garçon ? Elle n'a pas l'air maladroite Le pouvoir est entre ses mains Elle mesure à peine un...
Hurricane [German translation]
Sie ist so wild und erfüllt von diesem Feuer Was kann da ein Junge schon tun? Sie schreit und ich zerfalle Sie hat die Macht Sie ist gerade einmal 5 F...
Hurricane [Greek translation]
Είναι τόσο άγρια και γεμάτη με αυτή τη φωτιά Τι να κάνει ένα αγόρι? Ουρλιάζει και καταρρέω Έχει την δύναμη Έχει μόλις 1.57 ύψος* Είναι ένας τυφώνας Βλ...
I Can Barely Say lyrics
I said I told you everything I left something out Underneath the stairwell. That I'm under lock and key, but you can probably tell A powder keg in a p...
I Can Barely Say [French translation]
J'ai dit que j'avais tout avoué, mais j'ai laissé quelque chose Sous la cage d'escaliers. Que je suis sous les verrous, tu pourras probablement dire "...
I Can Barely Say [German translation]
Ich sagte, ich hab dir alles gesagt, aber ich habe etwas ausgelassen Unter der Treppe Und ich bin hinter Schloss und Riegel, aber du kannst es dir wah...
I Can Barely Say [Greek translation]
Είπα ότι σου έχω πει τα πάντα αλλά άφησα κάτι. Κάτω από τη σκάλα, Είμαι φυλακισμένος, αλλά ίσως να νομίζεις Ότι είμαι ένα βαρέλι με μπαρούτι σε κελί φ...
I Can Barely Say [Italian translation]
Dissi di averti detto tutto, ma ho lasciato qualcosa nascosto sotto le scale, qualcosa che ho chiuso bene a chiave, ma probabilmente tu avrai capito, ...
Keep On Wanting lyrics
Everything you want in broken pieces on the floor And everything you thought you'd ever need But it's not what you want but matters and such you want ...
Keep On Wanting [Hungarian translation]
Minden, amit szeretnél összetörve hever a földön És minden, amiről gondoltad, hogy valaha szükséged lesz. De ez nem az, amit akarsz, ezek csak tárgyak...
Keep On Wanting [Spanish translation]
Todo lo que quieres hecho pedasos en el suelo, Y to lo que creíste que podrias nunca necesitar Pero lo que quieres no importa y sigues queriendo más A...
Keep On Wanting [Turkish translation]
İstediğin herşey parçalara ayrılmış halde yerde Ve ihtiyaç duyduğunu sandığın herşey İstediğin şey deil ancak anlamı var ve daha çok istiyorsun Böylec...
Kiss me lyrics
Kiss me, out of the bearded barley Lightly, beside the green, green grass Swing, swing, swing the spinning step You wear those shoes and I will wear t...
Kiss me [French translation]
Kiss me, out of the bearded barley Lightly, beside the green, green grass Swing, swing, swing the spinning step You wear those shoes and I will wear t...
Kiss me [Greek translation]
Kiss me, out of the bearded barley Lightly, beside the green, green grass Swing, swing, swing the spinning step You wear those shoes and I will wear t...
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