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Manowar lyrics
Father [Tongan translation]
'I hoku kei iiki Naa ke to'o hoku nima 'E tamai, 'oku pau ke ke 'ilo 'Oku ou mahino taimi ni. Naa ke akonekina au 'a e hala mei he tonu Mo e akonaki k...
Father [Turkish translation]
Beni küçükken Elimden tuttun Baba, bil isterim Şimdi anladım Suçtan hakkı böldün Örnek oldun Verdiğin bağış Hepten üstün Beni hiç kırmadın Güçlendirdi...
Fight For Freedom lyrics
There's a sound heard across the land It's heard across the sea You'll only hear it if you listen with your hearts And one day hope to be free To hear...
Fight For Freedom [German translation]
Überall im Land ist ein Klang zu hören Man hört ihn weit übers Meer Du hörst ihn nur, wenn du mit dem Herzen hörst Und eines Tages hoffe ich, frei zu ...
Fight For Freedom [Hungarian translation]
Ez a hang keresztül szól a földön Ez hang keresztül szól a tengeren Csak akkor hallhatod, ha a szívedre hallgatsz És egy nap talán szabad leszel A sza...
Fight Until We Die lyrics
When they come, I'll be ready I hear their voices inside The stars in the heavens are moving Soon they will align Thor, god of thunder Let me die with...
Fighting The World lyrics
Fight fight fight Fighting the world every single day Fighting the world for the right to play Heavy Metal in my brain I'm fighting for Metal 'cause i...
Gates of Valhalla lyrics
Valhalla the gods await me Open wide thy gates embrace me. Great hall of the battle slain With sword in hand. All those who stand on shore Raise high ...
Gates of Valhalla [German translation]
Walhalla, die Götter erwarten mich, Öffne weit deine Tore, umarme mich. Große Halle der im Kampf Gefallenen, Mit dem Schwert in der Hand. All die, die...
Gates of Valhalla [Greek translation]
Valhalla οι θεοί με περιμένουν Ανοίξτε διάπλατα τις πύλες σας, αγκαλιάστε με Τρανή αίθουσα της φονικής μάχης Με σπαθί στο χέρι. Όλοι αυτοί που στέκοντ...
Gates of Valhalla [Italian translation]
Valhalla, gli dei mi attendono Spalancate le porte, accoglietemi Grande sala dei caduti in battaglia Con spada in mano Coloro che sono sulla riva Alzi...
Gloves Of Metal lyrics
Hear the pounding army of the night The call of metal summons us tonight And gather we on this site To behold the power and the might We wear leather,...
God Or Man lyrics
I arrive a stranger in this land and Those who seek me their Blood will wash the land They who need me now reach out their hand And If she heals me wi...
Gods of War lyrics
Father on bended knee I ask thee Raise thy hand We the sons of Odin Await thy command Born under the sign Of the hammer we stand And here we all may d...
Gods of War [German translation]
Vater, auf gebeugtem Knie Fleh ich Dich an dich Erhebe Deine Hand Wir, die Söhne Odins Warten auf Deinen Befehl Geboren unter dem Zeichen Des Hammers ...
Gods of War [Hungarian translation]
Apám előtted térdelek Kérlek téged Emeld fel kezed Mi , Odin fiai Várjuk a parancsod Kalapács jele alatt Születünk , élünk Lehet , itt mind meghalunk ...
Gods of War [Italian translation]
Padre, in ginocchio Io ti chiedo Alza la mano Noi, i figli di Odino Aspettiamo il comando Nati sotto il segno del martello, siamo in piedi E qui potre...
Gods of War [Polish translation]
Ojcze, na zgiętych kolanach Ja proszę Ciebie Podnieś twą dłoń My synowie Odina Oczekujemy Twojego rozkazu Urodzeni pod znakiem Młota, stoimy I tutaj w...
Gods of War [Turkish translation]
Baba diz çökerek Senden istiyorum Elini kaldırmanı Biz Odin'in oğulları Senin emirlerini bekliyoruz Altında durduğumuz Çekiç simgesinde doğduk Ve bura...
Guyana [Cult Of The Damned] lyrics
Thank you for the Kool-Aid, Reverend Jim We're glad to leave behind their world of sin Our lifeless bodies fall on holy ground Rotting flesh a sacrifi...
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