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Manowar lyrics
Bridge of Death [Romanian translation]
Trecând încet pe măsură ce râul trece mai jos Nu vă veți opri niciodată pentru ceea ce așteaptă în curând Și ultima dată când mă uit înapoi, îmi voi v...
Burning lyrics
We have come from the ashes of the burning away Pouring blood in the fire on the altar of pain Led into temptation, now the black gods align Here ther...
Call To Arms lyrics
When they see us they will run for their lives To the end they will pay for their lies So long did we wait, now we are home Here once again there's a ...
Carry On lyrics
The north star always guides me When winter skies are gray And I wait for the sun when all ate one I shall not betray Calling at me I'm waiting when a...
Carry On [Greek translation]
Ο πολικός αστέρας πάντα με καθοδηγεί Όταν ο ουρανός του χειμώνα είναι γκρίζος Και περιμένω τον ήλιο όταν όλοι έφαγαν ένα Δεν θα προδώσω. Με φωνάζουν. ...
Courage lyrics
Some want to think hope is lost, See me stand alone. I can't do what others may want, Then I'll have no home. So for now, wave good-bye, And leave you...
Courage [German translation]
Einige wollen glauben, die Hoffnung sei verloren Sieh, ich steh allein. Ich kann nicht tun, was andere möchten, Dann hätte ich keine Heimat. So winke ...
Courage [Hungarian translation]
Egyesek hinni akarják, hogy elveszett a remény Nézz rám, egyedül vagyok Nem tehetem azt, amit mások tán akarnak, Mert akkor hazátlan leszek. Ints hát ...
Courage [Spanish translation]
Algunos quieren creer que se ha perdido toda esperanza. Vedme permanecer de pie, solo. No puedo hacer lo que otros querrían, o entonces no tendría hog...
Dark Avenger lyrics
He broke the laws of the elders So they plucked out his eye, Took his land and fortune, Left him to die Bound on the shoreline, Left for the tide, See...
Death Tone lyrics
Ridin' on two wheels Chains hooked on my heels Sittin' in leather... Ridin' on steel Put my shades on Hair blows in the wind I give some square the fi...
Defender lyrics
When you are old enough to read this words Their meaning will unfold These words are all that's left And though we've never meet, my only son, I hope ...
Defender [German translation]
Wenn du alt genug bist, um diese Worte zu lesen Wird ihre Bedeutung sich entfalten Diese Worte sind alles, was übrig bleibt Und obwohl wir uns nie get...
Defender [Greek translation]
Όταν πια θα έχεις μεγαλώσει αρκετά Για να διαβάσεις αυτές τις λέξεις Το νόημά τους θα ξεδιπλωθεί Αυτά τα λόγια είναι ότι σου αφήνω Παρόλο που δεν συνα...
Defender [Hungarian translation]
Amikor már elég idős leszel, hogy olvasd ezen sorokat, És értelmük megnyíljon előtted, Ezek a szavak maradtak csak belőlem. És bár soha nem találkozha...
Defender [Romanian translation]
Când vei fi suficient de mare pentru a citi aceste cuvinte vei înțelege sensul lor Aceste cuvinte sunt tot ce a mai rămas Și, deși nu ne-am întâlnit n...
Defender [Turkish translation]
Bu sözleri okuyabilecek kadar büyüdüğünde Sana anlamlı gelmeye başlayacaklar Bu sözler benden sana kalan son şeydir Biricik oğlum benim, hiç tanışmamı...
Die For Metal lyrics
They can't stop us Let 'em try For heavy metal We will die! Quit my job this morning said forever I would hold my head up high Cause I need metal in m...
Die For Metal [French translation]
Ils ne peuvent nous arrêter Laissons-les essayer Pour le heavy metal Nous pourrions mourir ! J'ai quitté mon travail ce matin et ai dit Pour toujours ...
Die For Metal [French translation]
Ils ne peuvent pas nous arrêter Laissons-les essayer Au nom de l'heavy metal Nous mourrons ! J'ai lâché mon bouleau ce matin, j'ai dit adieu J'aurais ...
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