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Manowar lyrics
Army of the Immortals [German translation]
Schlachthymnen intonierten den Ruf. Ihr kamt an unsere Seite. Ihr hörtet echten Metal Stürmen zur Herrlichkeit. Kommt schon, yeah! Ihr standet bei uns...
Battle Hymn lyrics
written by R. Friedman/J. DeMaio By moonlight we ride Ten thousand side by side With swords drawn held high Our whips and armours shine Hail to thee o...
Battle Hymn [French translation]
Ecrit par R.Friedman/J.deMaio A la lueur de la lune, nous chevauchons Dix milles hommes, côte à côte. Avec nos épées sorties, levées bien hautes Nos f...
Battle Hymn [German translation]
Durch1 Mondlicht reiten2 wir Zehntausend Seite an Seite Mit gezogenen Schwertern hocherhobenen Unsere Peitschen und Rüstungen glänzen Sei gegrüßt, uns...
Battle Hymn [Greek translation]
Υπό το φως του φεγγαριού προχωράμε Δέκα χιλιάδες δίπλα-δίπλα Με σπαθιά τραβηγμένα στα χέρια ψηλά Τα μαστίγια και οι πανοπλίες μας λάμπουν Χαιρετίζουμε...
Battle Hymn [Hungarian translation]
ovagolunk a holdfénynél Oldalunkon tízezrek Kirántott kardjanikat magasba emeltük Ostoraink és fegyverzetünk fénylik Éljen a gyalogságunk Még bátor a ...
Battle Hymn [Italian translation]
Al chiaro di luna cavalchiamo Diecimila fianco a fianco Con spade sguainate rivolte in alto Le nostre fruste e le armature brillano Salve oh nostra fa...
Battle Hymn [Turkish translation]
. Ay ışığında süreriz On bin kişi yan yana Kılıçlar havada Kırbaç ve zırhlarımız parlar Selam olsun sana askerlerimiz Mezarda dahi cesur Hepsi içmiş s...
Black Arrows lyrics
[spoken part:] Let each note I now play be a black arrow of death sent straight to the hearts of all those who play false metal AH
Black Arrows [German translation]
[spoken part:] Let each note I now play be a black arrow of death sent straight to the hearts of all those who play false metal AH
Black List lyrics
See the writings on the wall If you can read There's a black list Got one name and it's me Yea I got no invitation But I won't leave Gonna keep on fig...
Black List [German translation]
Siehe die Schriften an der Wand Wenn du lesen kannst Da ist eine schwarze Liste Ich habe einen Namen, und das bin ich Yeah, ich bekam keine Einladung ...
Black Wind, Fire and Steel lyrics
Full moon's light is calling me My kingdom lies within The mystic soul and lion's heart Brought by the talisman. The ecstasy of battle takes me Where ...
Black Wind, Fire and Steel [French translation]
L'éclat de la pleine lune m'appelle, Mon royaume se trouve à l'intérieur De l'âme mystique et du coeur du lion Invoqués par le talisman L'extase de la...
Black Wind, Fire and Steel [German translation]
Das volle Mondlicht ruft mich, Mein Reich liegt im Inneren Der mystischen Seele und des Löwen Herz, Vom Talisman gebracht. Die Ekstase der Schlacht er...
Black Wind, Fire and Steel [Greek translation]
Το φως της πανσελήνου με καλεί το βασίλειο μου απλώνεται από κάτω του. Τη μυστικιστική ψυχή και τη καρδιά του λιονταριού την έφερε το φυλαχτό. Η έκστα...
Black Wind, Fire and Steel [Romanian translation]
Strălucirea lunii pline mă cheamă, Împărăția mea este înăuntru Sufletul mistic și inima de leu Adus de talisman Extazul bătăliei mă duce unde zboară ș...
Black Wind, Fire and Steel [Serbian translation]
Svetlo punog meseca me doziva Moje kraljevstvo leži unutar Mistična duša i lavlje srce Donšeni talismanom. Ushićenost bitke vodi me Gde sokolovi lete....
Black Wind, Fire and Steel [Turkish translation]
Dolunay'ın ışığı beni çağırıyor Krallığım içinde yatıyor Mistik ruh ve aslan yüreği Tılsımla getirilmiş Muharebe coşkusu alır beni Doğanların uçtuğu y...
Blood Brothers lyrics
When the world turns you away A friend will not say no There is strength that we all have It's not the strength we show And in your darkest hour In yo...
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