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The Regrettes lyrics
Monday lyrics
open my door I step between my clothes cant find the floor its been like this before still washing stains but I know they won’t fade These growing pai...
Monday [Russian translation]
Открываю дверь, иду через одежду Не видно пола, всё так уже и было До сих пор отмываю пятна, но я знаю, они не пропадут Эта нарастающая боль давит мен...
More Than a Month lyrics
There's a million things that I could say to you And a million things I know I shouldn't do Like call your mom and ask her what the fuck is going on I...
More Than a Month [Portuguese translation]
Há um milhão de coisas que eu poderia te dizer E um milhão de coisas que sei que não deveria fazer Tipo ligar pra sua mãe e perguntar pra ela que porr...
Pale Skin lyrics
Oh little cherry blossom, what seems to be the problem? Cheeks so pale they could fade away There's wind in the trees and I'm falling to my knees Fear...
Pale Skin [Italian translation]
Oh piccolo fiore di ciliegio, qual è il problema? Guance talmente pallide che potrebbero svanire Il vento soffia fra gli alberi ed io cado in ginocchi...
Pale Skin [Spanish translation]
Oh pequeña flor de cerezo, ¿cuál parece ser el problema? Mejillas tan pálidas que podrían desvanecerse Hay viento en los árboles y me estoy cayendo de...
Picture Perfect lyrics
Picture perfect, flawless figure, damn that bitch is hot She's all the things you wish you were but sadly you are not The girls want to be her and the...
Poor Boy lyrics
Tellin' you to shut your mouth Truth tellin' will never help Pick up your head and smile pretty, girl 'Cause there's a lot of water, and a lot of worl...
Poor Boy [Hebrew translation]
אומרים לך לסתום את הפה לספר את האמת לעולם לא יעזור תרימי את הראש ותחייכי ילדה יפה כי יש הרבה מים והרבה עולם תדחפי את זה למטה ותתני לי סיבוב דממה היא ה...
Pumpkin lyrics
We're heavy liftin' but we're feelin' fine We think it's funny when we look at the time I know co-dependency has dragged me out But I really don't thi...
Pumpkin [Swedish translation]
Vi lyfter tungt men vi mår okej Vi tycker det är roligt när vi tittar på tiden Jag vet att sam-beroende har dragit ut mig Men jag tror inte det är vad...
Red Light lyrics
You can't love me, you're not allowed to Cause if you did I'd probably run from you You can't hate me, though you probably do Cause then I might just ...
Red Light [Italian translation]
Non puoi amarmi, non ti è permesso Perché se lo facessi probabilmente scapperei da te Non puoi odiarmi, anche se probabilmente lo fai Perché allora po...
Seashore lyrics
You're talkin' to me like a child Well I've got news, I'm not a little girl And no I won't give you a little twirl You're talkin' to me like I'm sad H...
Seashore [French translation]
Tu me parles comme si j'étais une enfant Eh bien j'ai des nouvelles ,je ne suis pas une petite fille Et non je ne te donnerais pas une petite fellatio...
Seashore [Hebrew translation]
אתה מדבר אליי כמו לילדה ובכן יש לי חדשות ,אני לא ילדה קטנה ולא אני לא אתן לך סיבוב קטן אתה מדבר אליי כאילו אני עצובה ובכן יש לי חדשות ,אני מסתדרת לא ר...
Seashore [Italian translation]
Mi parli come se fossi una bambina Beh, indovina, non sono una ragazzina E no, non ti farò la giravolta Mi parli come se fossi triste Hey, indovina, n...
Seashore [Spanish translation]
Me hablas como si fuera una niña Bueno, te tengo una noticia, no soy una niñita Y no, no estoy dando vuelta las cosas Me hablas como si estuviera tris...
Seashore [Turkish translation]
Benimle çocukmuşum gibi konuşuyorsun Bir haberim var, ben küçük bir kız değilim Ve hayır, sana ufak bir eğlence** vermeyeceğim Benimle sanki üzgünmüşü...
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